Stainless Steel Small Trash Can

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Japan's garbage classification in the end how?
Japan's garbage classification, according to the city or region of residence will be different.Generally speaking, generally divided into:1, combustible garbage: kitchen waste, rubber products, clothing, paper products, leather products, video tapes, weeds, etc.;2, non combustible garbage: tableware, kitchenware, glass products, dry batteries, light bulbs, small appliances, etc.;3, resource waste: the following details;4, bulky garbage: bicycles, tables and chairs, sofa, microwave ovens, ovens, golf clubs, etc.;5, non recyclable garbage: farm tools, fire extinguishers, brick, cement, motorcycles, tires, etc.;6, 4 kinds of home appliances: TV, washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators;7, a large number of temporary garbage: moving or cleaning, pruning yard garbage.
What is the size of the garden trash?
There is a single barrel and double barrel, single barrel specifications are generally: 400*780H, double barrel specifications: 800*400*950, a variety of styles
How to hide the computer desktop trash ah?
Edit the registry to recycle the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop: 1 click start, and then click run".2 in the open box, type regedit, and then click ok".3 find the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace4 right click the registry key that you found in the third step, point to new, and then click".5 type {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and press ENTER.6 click the new {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} item you created in step fifth.7 in the right pane, right-click the (default) item.8 in the edit string dialog box, type Recycle Bin in the numeric data box, and then click ok".9 exit registry editor.Recycle Bin icon appears on the Windows desktop.
Why my computer was put in the trash
Right click the desktop - properties - Desktop - Custom Desktop, my computer tick on the line.
How to eliminate the trash insects
With the lid of the trash. Nobody can look to kill insects, as long as the fruit and vegetable waste overnight born insects.
Are there any trash cans on the train?
There is a trash can, a toilet, water, and air conditioning, and a restaurant..
What are the pebbles placed in the trash
For smokers, suggesting that smoking is harmful to the health of the smoke out.
The company purchased the broom sets, garbage bags, garbage cans, paper towels, cloth, toilet brush should be included in the management fee which two subjects?
The company purchased more than the low value of the goods, in the supermarket or other stores after the purchase of invoices are generally based on office supplies for the commodity name, which, of course, can also be included in the office fee.