Stainless Steel Dual Trash Can

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What is the color of the garbage collection and recycling bins? Urgent urgent ah!
The color of the bucket is yellow and blue!The color of the recycle bin should be green.
How to hide the computer desktop trash ah?
Edit the registry to recycle the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop: 1 click start, and then click run".2 in the open box, type regedit, and then click ok".3 find the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace4 right click the registry key that you found in the third step, point to new, and then click".5 type {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and press ENTER.6 click the new {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} item you created in step fifth.7 in the right pane, right-click the (default) item.8 in the edit string dialog box, type Recycle Bin in the numeric data box, and then click ok".9 exit registry editor.Recycle Bin icon appears on the Windows desktop.
What are the types of trash? What are the materials?
According to the use of occasions can be divided into: public garbage cans, medical garbage cans, household garbage cans.
Something summer eat trash did not even clean up there will be a lot of gnat, what method can control or kill?
Set a garbage bag, there are many things, just throw away the bag on the line
Today in the network to see the cream of the crop of intelligent ashbin, a little curious, is not a trash?
Intelligent trash, microcomputer control chip, the first infrared detection device, composed of a mechanical driving device and a connecting rod mechanism, automatic switch cover, is a high-tech new product of machine, light and electricity in one, with reliable performance, long service life, low power consumption. Smart people do not need to contact the trash, trash can be part of any garbage, to prevent cross infection, environmental health, elegant; no external power supply, the use of ordinary batteries, low power consumption, long service life; good sealing performance, reducing the life of all sorts of bacteria to probability of cross infection, no odor of garbage overflow sure, surrounded by fresh air.
I would like to ask the principle of garbage can
The principle of the principle of lever is the principle of lever. At the other end of the lever pedal shaft as a fulcrum to cover up! And the inside of the washing machine is the same principle.
Is there any difference between the trash and the wastebasket?
Some trash can contain a lot of things
Why are there so many holes in the trash, and now there are a lot of holes in the trash?
There are holes and no holes is just a product of the style of craft