Stainless Steel Bathtub

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After the renovation can also be installed bathroom shower cut off you
Yes, the bathroom partition is to paste the tiles to install
What is the shower room?
"The structural design of the force is reasonable, the lines are smooth and innate" innate "factors, and the surface quality and assembly of the fine precision, sports parts of the performance of the product reflects the" acquired "quality. Consumers such as the purchase of imported products, should see the origin and quality, so as not to spend more money is not the desired effect. Therefore, in the purchase of a brand before the enterprise should be a more comprehensive understanding of the choice of quality assurance products. 1. Vertical angle shower room: from the shape to see a square, curved, diamond-shaped, with the structure of the sliding doors, folding doors, shaft doors, etc., into the way into the corner into the single or into the type, The biggest feature of the entry is that you can make better use of limited bathroom area, expand the usage, common square diagonal better use of limited bathroom area, expand the usage, common square diagonal shower room, curved shower room, diamond-shaped shower room Belong to this category, is the application of more styles. 2. One-inch bath screen: some room width is narrow, or a bath bit but the head of households and do not want to use the bath and the choice of shower screen, the use of a zigzag shower screen. 3. Bath on the bath screen: many households have installed a bathtub, but often use the shower, in order to take into account both, but also in the bath on the production of bath screen, the general bath with a shortened shape, or full folding is more common , But the cost is high, not cost-effective. "
After a long time in the glass surface will scale, with ordinary soap is difficult to remove
Remove the glass door water stains One, clever way to wipe the glass Smooth mirror and windows will be due to long-term contact with the water and watermark, become blurred. You can spray a glass cleaner on a whole piece of glass on a large X-shaped spray, and then wring the wiping cloth folded, rub a circle in one direction, until the glass seven dry, and then dry cloth Rub it again. Second, scrap paper Cabo Wipe with a damp cloth, or a special glass wipe (supermarkets have to sell) wipe after, and then wipe with old newspapers, it is very clean and bright without leaving water marks. Because the newspaper ink on the glass cleaning effect is very good. Abandoned magazine books are also OK, but the best is the newspaper. Third, the bathroom glass door anti-fouling measures To keep the bathroom glass door garage door manufacturers clean and bright, you can use the multi-functional cleaning paste to clean. As for the gap, you can first use a toothbrush dipped in a little deodorant cream after cleaning, and then at the gap with a brush can be a waterproof agent. This can not only seepage, but also anti-mold students.
How to remove bath water stains
① with a towel dipped in beer or warm vinegar wipe the glass, the glass can quickly eliminate the dirt off. ② glass on the first point of chalk or dry cloth with a cloth, you can clean the glass. ③ wash basin with some water, pour a little shampoo mixed, use it to wipe the glass, will be particularly clean and bright. ④ winter glass surface easy to frost, can be dipped in thick water or white wine to wipe, the effect is very good. ⑤ glass on the fouling, with cloth or silk dipped in toothpaste wipe, can be polished clean and bright. ⑥ take a dry one wet two cloth, first with a damp cloth to rub the glass on both sides again; then dry with a small amount of white wine, wipe the glass, you can clean and bright.
Do you have a bathroom bath? Bathroom bath on the screen how to clean it?
First of all, we look at the bathroom bath with the benefits and disadvantages: Lee: independent of the bath space (do not install the whole bathroom), the water will not splash outside the bath screen, feeling high! Disadvantages: glass bath screen every time you have to wipe once, or a long time, the scale is not good to clean, and feel the bathroom was occupied part of a little small! Suggestions: install a stainless steel rod, hanging rain curtain (creative home that kind of beautiful rain curtain) can not be opened when it does not seem small space, that is economical and affordable, you can often change the new! Second, let's take a look at the use of bathroom bath screen when the note: Usually pay attention to the shower should be opened after the curtain to make air circulation, to prevent mold. If there is mildew, then we have to solve the situation. First of all, for canvas or cotton curtains as long as the other cotton fabric, with hot soapy water wash, wash, and then need to ironing. And most of the shower curtain can be dried only. If the bathroom screen on the mold is difficult to clear the case, you can try using light bleach, and then dry. The bleach solution is 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of bleach on 600 mm (1 pint) warm water. Of course, bleach can remove moldy point, but can not prevent mold point again. We can use silicone to prevent mildew. The method is to hang a pack of silicone (available in pharmacies or chemical raw materials stores) can absorb moisture. If the stain can not be cleared, you need to buy a new shower curtain. Shower curtain is not expensive, you can buy the mold and waterproof treatment of the canvas curtain.