Spectra Aluminum Trim Coil

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I made a monitoring project, the bank inside the aluminum-plastic plate was I turned a hole. The above requirements we must rectify. Now want to ask you how to make up. I heard that the wrench is shipped over the sea. I'm thinking all about it all day.
In addition, you can cut from the corner of the waste can accommodate a small hole in the shape, stuffed into a tight point on it, so the appearance is not easy to find;
OKorder Huayuan aluminum-plastic plate how?
The company was the only company named "China Aluminum-plastic composite materials industry quality training base", in the organization of aluminum-plastic branch in this organization to carry out the quality of aluminum-plastic composite panel management, quality inspection, quality inspection and training to develop and modify the national standards activity.
Aluminum plate, aluminum veneer in the end how much the market? Expert advice.
How are you doing that? Reply to your website I look at it?
Aluminum plate price how much money?
Aluminum-plastic plate manufacturers are very much, every offer is not the same manufacturers, there are cheap, expensive, cheap to outrageous, the quality of 200% of the problem! So do not choose too cheap.
The market for aluminum-plastic plate processing machines so much, which brand is good?
I know this problem, I'll tell you about it ~ This style is a lot of the price is different, mainly to see the quality, it is recommended that you go to the market to see, choose a few more, to be a comparison. I recommend the United States of America Maidike Mulitcam large CNC aluminum-plastic plate processing center for a variety of thick / thin aluminum, aluminum-plastic panels, aluminum curtain wall, aluminum honeycomb board, aviation yacht with aluminum cutting, drilling, modification and other processing, Kind of processing features hope to help you! Have a reference to you
What should I pay attention to? What brand of aluminum plastic plate is good? Aluminum-plastic plate those manufacturers, please list, thank you!
Measuring whether the aluminum plate to meet international requirements, wall panels 3mm, outer wall 4mm or more, and the thickness of aluminum must be 0.5mm.
How to install the aluminum-plastic panel ceiling?
The more common installation method is to directly through the self-tapping screws in the aluminum plate above the keel, so there will be nail caps, but can be secretly fight. This is relatively easy.
Aluminum aluminum plate thickness how to detect
Sent a qualified quality inspection unit testing.