Seamless Curtain Wall

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I want to make the wall behind my bed look fancy with some draped fabric using curtain rods or any suspension device. Any ideas? I have a small budget but want a classic look (the backdrop should be subtly romantic). Also, is this look outdated? Referrals, please!
It's a lovely idea but keep in mind that effect can visually shrink a room in a hot second. If you use fabric, I would suggest a medium/dark color (to make the walls appear to recede) - solid or VERY muted pattern. Thin curtain rods would work best, I think, and they don't require any major drilling. But you also might want to consider using a suede finish paint instead (medium-to-dark color). You can still achieve a similar boudoir look by spending that money on rich-looking drapey bedding, extra pillows, and a few throws.
How to distinguish between glass curtain wall and ordinary window
Glass curtain wall and the difference between ordinary windows: First, from the perspective of view, the glass curtain wall area is relatively large, and some glass curtain wall can be used as the entire building of the external walls, the dry construction method (that is, the use of embedded parts and keel (The most common installation method, with the screw fixed), the use of welding technology, and some use of chemical bolts) and doors and windows area is relatively small, mostly for the hole to install,
Stone curtain wall installation process, the role of the adapter is what
Generally used in the floor between the floor, or used in other places there is no fixed point.
should i get a blue from the room? or get a bold bright random color that doesnt match to add to the room?im a teenager. so i dont want anything fancy. just something that looks kinda nice. any ideas and pics would be nice.
You should look for curtains that contain all of the colors in your room, beige brown and blue. You don't need to include the brown if it is the color of the furniture. Wood is a total neutral that only needs to match other woods in the room, and even then does not need to be an exact match. If you have a digital camera take a picture of each color, and print out a picture to take with you when you are shopping. Compare the printed picture to the wall or fabric color for accuracy before you go. This is the best way to match colors; your memory can play tricks on you, or become confused by the colors in the store. Another color can be in the curtain as long as you match the colors already in your room. If your bed spread or comforter is a print, look for solid or striped curtains. Don't try to mix prints if you are not experienced. This is usually only done successfully when prints were created to go together. Do not choose a solid beige for the curtains unless you want the window to fade into the background of the wall. Better to choose a solid brown or blue that matches a color already in the room. Don't allow color to be concentrated in one part of the room. If your bed is all in brown, and the only blue is in a chair, having brown curtains will make the chair look out of place, and having blue curtains will divide your room in two. Decorating is about giving the eye a place to rest briefly while providing continuity of color.
Stone curtain wall need to detect what is the thing
Need to do field experiments are: (1) post-embedded parts of the on-site drawing test, the number of extraction should be taken according to the provisions of the standard random sampling according to law; (2) silicone structural sealant peeling test, the number of extraction for each 100 components extracted 1; (3) If the use of two-component silicone sealant, should also be mixed (butterfly) test and pull off (plastic cup) test. The same type to do a group can be; (4) water test, all carried out;
The difference between component glass curtain wall and all glass curtain wall
The mantle (or beam) of the frame (component, component) curtain wall is first mounted on the main body structure, and then the beams (or mullions), mullions and beams are arranged to form the grid. The panel material is machined into the unit , And then fixed in the mullion and beams composed of the grid. The load on the panel material unit components is transferred to the main body through a mullion (or beam). The more common form of the structure is: the mullion and the beam are installed in the field after the formation of the box after the panel material unit components fixed to the skeleton, the panel material unit components vertically on the column, the horizontal convergence on the beam, and sealed Adhesive treatment, anti-rain penetration, air penetration. Frame type (component type) curtain wall main features ? 1. Construction means flexible, more mature technology, after more engineering practice test, is the use of more curtain wall structure. ? 2. The main structure adaptability, the installation sequence is basically not affected by the main structure. ? 3. Sealant sealing treatment, watertight, good air tightness, with good insulation, noise noise reduction, with a certain anti-layer displacement ability. ? 4. Panel material unit components factory production, structural adhesive use performance is guaranteed. ? 5. A large number of installation process on-site, requiring on-site management workload. ? 6. Sealant construction requirements of strict, pre-cleaning, glue the process of high quality requirements of workers; installation of plastic control points and more processes require high quality management. In my opinion, the whole glass curtain wall is a component of the curtain wall, component curtain wall mullion, the panel is composed of glass material is full-wave curtain wall.
okay well im in an apartment and dont know how long ill live there and want to decorate the living roomWhat are you thoughts on a wall with curtains instead of paint, theres no windows on this wall the curtains would cover all the wall but leave about 10 -15 inches of the top of the plain cream wall showing, with curtain roods and the curtains covering the rest.
ahh yes, curtains on a wall without windows - you are thinking outside the box! go for it. if you don't like it you still have the curtains to use at another time in another room. the curtains will add texture and warmth to the room. the curtains will help absorb any echo in the room therefore you won't have to decorate as much on the other walls or you can take your time with other decorations. you can still part the curtains - single or double panel - with a chair or table or couch in the part for a dramatic effect the curtains can always be dyed later on for a change of color you can put a fake window with over head light behind the curtain part you can put mirrors for a kitsch effect in the curtain part lots you can do with a wall of curtains if you can think outside the box!
The room has no windows
Think of a theme. Something that you and your friends are really into. What is it: Music? Movies? Fashion? Science? Games? A Sport? Work around that theme. Pick a color palette based on that theme. Like the colors of your favorite team, or a poster or picture you like, the cover of your favorite music album, etc. I would not pick any dark colors as base colors, unless your basement has egress windows. Basements usually receive very little daylight and for that reason, any color you apply on them looks at least 2 tones darker. I suggest you go for light, neutral tones for walls and floor and then splashes of color with furniture, drapes, upholstery, wall art and props. But before you start decorating, please make sure your basement is dry enough to be used as a living space. Get an inexpensive hygrometer to monitor the Relative Humidity in the basement. If it is anything at or above 60% RH, consider buying a good basement dehumidifier before you start to bring in the stuff. That is because at that level of moisture, when you start adding wooden furniture, fabric and paper to the basement, mold will start to grow. Your basement will start to smell musty and become unhealthy and uncomfortable. Mold needs moisture above 60% and organic surfaces to grow. You can't have all inorganic stuff in the basement, so you need to control the humidity. In addition, computers, TVs and electronics do not respond well to humidity, so if you plan to have a home theater or a game room there, you need to get rid of the moisture.