Stainless Steel Wall

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How many calculations for a square meter of material?
Curtain wall material calculation points: 1. Panel: panel ratio of expansion area * utilization (general 1.03) 2. keel: linear density * per square meter length * utilization (generally 1.05 ~ 1.15, according to material specifications) 3. Attachment: use per square meter (weight or volume number) * Utilization rate (general 1.03) 4. Low-value consumables: 15 ~ 25 (yuan / m2, according to the type of curtain wall to consider) 5. Labor costs: market decisions
What is the classification of building materials?
Generally have: progress, quality, safety, cost
Whether the civil tender contains the curtain wall and does not contain the curtain wall, behind the owner and the general contract of the contract agreement What is the difference
If the total tender documents contain curtain wall, indicating that the total subcontract management, behind the curtain wall unit calibration, signed the total package, the owner and the curtain wall units of the tripartite agreement, take the total package of the notice and the three parties can be directly filed for the record.
What are the curtain wall materials to do? The beginning of the time
At the same time, the curtain wall project acceptance, but also to the owners to provide "curtain wall use maintenance instructions", in the curtain wall before delivery, but also for the owners of training curtain wall maintenance and maintenance personnel. Curtain wall works other technical and economic documents, in accordance with the "Construction Project Document Archiving Code" (GB / T50328-2001) provisions of the directory filing.
Curtain wall energy-saving project acceptance of the general project which
Curtain wall energy conservation project quality acceptance includes the following: 1) hidden acceptance requirements. 2) curtain wall materials, accessories, accessories, components of the quality, including insulation materials, glass, shade components, unit curtain wall panels, seals, insulation profiles. 3) materials, accessories, accessories, components witnessed sampling, re-inspection requirements. 4) curtain wall air tightness requirements, laboratory inspection requirements.
What is the construction process of the point glass curtain wall?
First measure whether the steel structure and drawings in line to see if there is no deviation. If there is no deviation in the steel structure on the line to set the location of the mother, the location should be as accurate as possible. And then welding to the mother base. The welding is completed and then the jaw pieces are mounted on the female base, and then the splice fitting is mounted on the hole of the glass, and then the hook is hung up and the screw is tightened. Out of place.
Department of Construction and Construction (2017) 38 on the construction of glass curtain wall what are the requirements
The new glass curtain wall should take into account the urban landscape, the surrounding environment and the nature of the building and the use of functions and other factors, in accordance with building safety, environmental protection and energy saving requirements, reasonable control of the glass curtain wall type, shape and area. Encourage the use of lightweight energy-saving decorative materials, from the source to reduce the glass curtain wall security risks.
Stainless steel sheet approach to provide any proof of quality documents
The simplest is the material certificate slightly, generally large steel mills are made of stainless steel material certificate. If your product needs environmentally friendly, then the use of stainless steel on the need for environmental certification, like ROSH certification.