Curtain Wall Bedroom

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Can the gap between the curtain wall and the building window be blocked with a foam plate?
can. It is more convenient to use foam. Can be the key to the number of gaps, 2 cm or so without any problems, 3 cm barely, 4 cm or more or more than 6 cm, should consider the installation of aluminum lath. I hope my solution will help you
How to arrange the curtain wall press
Briquettes only play a fixed frame material role, the actual waterproof process is to rely on sealant and sealing tape, so the briquet does not need long, as long as the basic function can be achieved on the line!
My company has a glass curtain wall project, there are 10,000 square meters, and now the team approach, to provide qualified project manager for the two construction division. OK
Secondary construction division can not bear 10,000 square meters of glass curtain wall construction, not eligible. According to the scale of the project, single curtain wall with a height of less than 60 meters and a building area of less than 6,000 square meters is a medium-sized project, borne by the secondary construction division. If the area of more than 6,000 square meters, are large projects, need to be born by the professional construction division.
How to take fire protection measures for high temperature welding of curtain wall
Then the use of fire, fire cloth laying under the splash of Mars. Do a piece of firebrock to block both sides and meet the welding construction distance, the workers with a protective protective equipment when the eyes, welder gloves, insulated shoes, the ground doing fire extinguishers, buckets, see fire people.
What is the distance between the angle of the stone curtain wall?
Angle steel is determined by the stone block the best span of about 1 meter, not more than 1.2 meters, windows, doors, columns, Yang Yin corner, only unabated, For example, 600 * 1000, the angle is basically a 600, encountered thick lines to be appropriate to add, fixed pieces, angle and so on.
How to use 3Dmax to draw glass curtain wall?
Modeling: Make a BOX like a glass curtain wall, move a little forward (slightly above the curtain wall), then adjust the number of BOX segments, give it material, render it into a grid.
Office glass curtain wall warranty period?
In recent years due to the rapid development of the curtain wall industry has developed the following curtain wall technical standards "Technical specification for glass curtain wall" JGJ 102-2003 "Technical Specification for Metal and Stone Curtain Wall" JGJ 133-2001 "Building curtain wall" GB / T 21086-2007 "Building curtain wall" J103-2 ~ 7 "Technical Specification for Point - Supported Glass Curtain Wall" CECS 127: 2001 "Point - supported glass curtain wall support device" JG 138-2001 "Technical specification for external wall insulation engineering" JGJ 144-2004 "Technical Code for Construction Curtain Wall (Glass Curtain Wall)" DBJ 08-56-1996 "Technical Specification for Natural Stone Decoration Engineering" JCG T 60001-2007 And other relevant norms to repair the relevant content I help you access to the "glass curtain wall engineering technical specifications" JGJ 102-2003 specification The specific content as follows: the provisions of the state is the same time in the specification of the same thing to the latest norms. Curtain wall is usually designed for 50 years or 70 years.
My counter tops are black and my cabinets are white which go all the way to the ceiling. My frig and my stove are also white.These are the curtains I want to buy.
Maybe a darker tan would look nice. Or even a chocolate brown color.