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Yes, ground cover plants can be used to create a low-maintenance lawn alternative. Ground cover plants, such as creeping thyme, clover, or ornamental grasses, can provide a lush and green surface that requires less water, mowing, and maintenance than traditional lawns. They also help to prevent erosion, suppress weed growth, and require minimal fertilization. Overall, using ground cover plants as a lawn alternative can be an effective way to reduce maintenance efforts while still enjoying a beautiful and eco-friendly landscape.
Some of the best ground cover plants for attracting beneficial insects include alyssum, clover, yarrow, thyme, and creeping thyme. These plants provide nectar and pollen sources for bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects, helping to support their populations and promote a healthy ecosystem in your garden.
Is it that dangerous? I heard that it produces toxic gases? Can we burn plastic to safely produce energy somehow? Do you think it can be a relatively cheap source of alternative energy and solver of the ubiquitous plastic bags/container problem at the same time?
It does produce toxic gas and it is highly flamable which makes it dangerous. Also this black stuff floats up and if you burn too much it forms a black spot on the roof.
Yes, ground cover plants can be used to improve soil fertility. They help prevent erosion, retain moisture in the soil, suppress weed growth, and provide organic matter when they decompose. Additionally, some ground cover plants have nitrogen-fixing capabilities, which enrich the soil with this essential nutrient.
One effective way to prevent ground cover plants from damaging structures or hardscapes is by using proper installation techniques and maintenance practices. Ensuring that plants are properly spaced and pruned regularly can help control their growth and prevent them from encroaching on structures or hardscapes. Additionally, installing physical barriers or edging materials can create a clear boundary between the plants and the structures, reducing the risk of damage. Regular inspections and prompt removal of any plant growth that poses a threat can also help prevent damage in the long run.
Yes, nursery trays can be used for starting plants for urban reforestation initiatives. Nursery trays provide a controlled environment for seed germination and early growth, making them suitable for producing seedlings in large quantities. They allow for efficient monitoring and care of the plants until they are ready to be transplanted into urban areas for reforestation efforts.
Agricultural plastic products, such as plastic mulch and row covers, help with pollination by creating a controlled environment for plants. These products can extend the growing season, retain moisture, and regulate temperature, which promotes the growth and flowering of plants. By providing a protective barrier, agricultural plastics also safeguard plants from pests and harsh weather conditions, ensuring a healthier and more abundant crop. This favorable environment encourages pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to visit the plants, enhancing the pollination process and increasing crop yields.
I fear that microwaving plastic cause molecular leaching into food
Well, what level of safe do you want? When looking at a risk assessment for this you could ask yourself whether it will cause you harm in the short medium or long term. Think about how many people have microwaved food in the past see if you can find some proof that it's a negative factor for whatever you think of a safe. Personally I've microwaved food for years without negative side effects AND IM NOT MAD .. . . . . . .HAHAHAHAHAHA