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The soil is heavy and I‘ve had to hand-pick rocks out of it. I plan to dig in a few handfuls per square inch of horticultural sand. I had read that manure would be too rich, so won‘t use that. But should I add some organic fertilizer like fish, bone or blood meal? I wish to plan right away.
I advise you to have the repair shop buy and install the parts. Then they give you a warranty on everything, parts and labor. If you give them the parts and there's a problem, they may say it's due to your parts having a problem and they won't warranty the complete job.
Can I use sand as a substrate for my box turtles so they can dig in it and so my female can lay her eggs in it?
the one90 by far. and if you wanted to upgrade from there, the one95. but warriors suck in my opinion.
Im confused with what to put my gecko eggs in. We have them in a butter container in the same cage as the mother and father. This is my first time with gecko eggs. HELP ME!!! PLZ!
if I am not mistaken lizards lay eggs in warm sand that is heated in the daytime from the sun.(I am supposing that you have the hairless, featherless, cold blooded type of gecko). So you are gonna have to make the sun over the eggs using a 100W lightbulb to keep them warm(not cooked). Google sites on lizard raising for more info.
So i filled my substrate jars with the proper amounts of vermiculite + water, stirred, then added the proper amount of brown rice flour. i put the jars in a steaming pot (elevated above water level) for about 2 hours, but did not have my spore syringe yet. so i let them sit for like 2 days in the pot, wihtout taking the lids off any of the substrate jars (or the foil).have my substrate jars lost any of their water content due to evaporation, perhaps during the steaming process or during the 2 day wait before inoculation?the jars had the lids loosely screwed on, with 3 holes hammered into the top (small holes), and covered in tin foil.
this looks more like a chemistry question.
why is vermiculite added to potting soil?
the climate could be horrendously chilly - this previous winter, we had much extra snow than I bear in mind having in the 32+ years i've got lived right here and it grow to be bitterly chilly for an quite long term. yet there have been milder winters, too, with minimum or no snow the place it particularly is been quite average temperature-smart. the climate right here is variety of nuts - the forecast predicts snow interior right here couple of days, whilst we are having a thunderstorm proper now - it grow to be just about 70 this previous weekend - to supply you a concept of the loopy fluctuations. in case you think of it may well be very difficult to conform with the climate, it might desire to be invaluable to look for an risk in a much less wacky (and in many cases chilly) climate - different than the climate, nevertheless, I particularly advise Chicago and the encompassing section for residing, working and enjoying. stable success!
Are perlite and vermiculite fertile?
The expansion effect of vermiculite in Horticulture: vermiculite have very strong water absorption, can effectively promote plant root growth and seedling growth is stable. Provide water and nutrients necessary for plant growth for long periods of time and maintain the stability of root sun temperature. At the same time, the vermiculite can make the crops get plenty of water and minerals from the early growth stage, and promote the rapid growth of plants and increase the yield. It can be concluded that vermiculite has a relatively large fertility, at least stronger than traditional soil.
He‘s a baby and I want to know what kind of substrate I should use for him. Sand is bad because he tried eating it and it‘s bad for him, also, I know about reptile carpet but it looks stupid in the cage. Same as paper towels and that kind of stuff. Is there anything else I can use? Thanks.
Well if you ran it out of oil chances are you spun a bearing , which means serious problems internally,and no the engine lite may not come on
I have a kitten and he was peeing in my rubber plant. I have quot;flushedquot; it out and put all new dirt in the pot, but it's still quot;droopyquot; and the leaves keep falling off. HELP!!!
You can germinate apple or most any kind of seed, that doesn't have a hard nut such as a plum, in wet paper towels.