High Performance CF8 Pressure Relief Valve
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A pressure relief valve (PRV) is a safety device that relieves overpressure in a vessel or system. When the pressure of vessel or system increased beyond the specified design pressure or maximum allowable working pressure, PRV will be opened automaticly to relief the overpressure for proteding the vessel or system. The PRV will be closed if the pressure reached specified design pressure so that to ensure the normal operation and protect the vessel or system.
Our Pressure Relief Valve has been designed and manuractured according to following Standard:
♦ ISO 4123-1 Safety Devices for Portection Against Excessve Pressure
♦ API STD 526 Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves
♦ API STD 527 Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves
♦ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
♦ Type: Conventional, Bellows
♦ Size:1" D 2"- 8" T 10"
♦ Class:150lb~2500lb
♦ Temperature:-268~+538°C
♦ Fluid: Gas, Steam, and Liquid
♦ Material: Carbon steel, Stainless steel, Alloy steel
♦ The allowable tolerance of the set pressure: ≤±3%
♦ Overpressure: ≤10%(gas)/≤20%(liquid)
♦ Blowdown: ≤10%(gas)/≤20%(liquid)
♦ Tightness: conforms to API STD 527
♦The solid nozzle is screwed into the body, which makes the maintenance easy.
♦ The shape of the disc holder has been designed to enhance the effect of the fluid thrust for an instant lift of the disc.
♦ Blowdown control is provided with adjustable nuzzle ring only.
♦ The adequate terials and clearance between disc holder and guide , spindle and adjusting screw assures disc to lift successfully.
♦ The surface of both the disc and the nozzle seat are deposited with Stellite. Excellent flatness and surface finish of the seating surfaces by precision machining and lapping assure pressure relief valve to have high degree of seat tightness and long using life.
♦ The bellows of balanced bellows pressure relief valves can not only avoid and effect of variable back pressure in the system , but also protect spring and other trim components from corrosive media.
♦ Materials are chosen carefully , and the manufacture of the spring and the bellows has strict technological process. Each of them is tested and checked strictly.
- Q: Im looking for a new BBb tuba. i would like six valves at 4+2. but if not looking for 6 valve BBb tuba
- I don't know how long you've been playing tuba but 6 valve BBb tubas are virtually non-existent. No current brass instrument manufacturer will have that in their line-up. Tubas with 6 valves are already rare and are pretty much limited to F tubas. If you want a 6 valve BBb (I don't know why you even need/want that many valves) then your best option would be to buy a 5 valve BBb tuba and having it modified to include a 6th valve. Either way, expect to pay a minimum of $10000 (ten thousand) for the instrument.
- Q: It is burning oil, so that means oil is getting into the combustion chambers....but im not exactly sure which piece has gone bad? or for that matter what the valve guides are in the first place. Could the lifters have gone bad too? Can someone tell me what piece is most likely the cause for the oil leak into the chambers and then a price of how much it would cost to have it fixed. When i start the car it blows a puff and then settles down and then when im at a stop light and push the accelerator it blows a puff and then more or less settles down...sometimes it keeps going for a while. My mechanic put an additive in the oil called stop the smoke or something, and i know that that causes the seals to expand...and it has helped. So. I need someone to give me an overall diagnosis and price range. My mechanic is reluctant to have me do the work, im guessing cause its expensive...but i would rather pay 1000 dollars then buy a new car.
- yes we would love to help, except you gave us zero information, in order to even begin to guess whats going on, you need to explain a whole bunch of information if you want any help, like what year make model of car, engine mileage on engine, and any other things that have been done to a coar that you know of. If you have a chevy 350 it was pretty normal to get a puff of smoke out if it when it was cold, this was from worn valve stem seals, and sometimes the design of the seal was a problem, like the umbrella seal for late 80s early 90s, even new some got a few drips of oil and blow a puff of smoke, you say its smoking out the tail pipe, ok when only when cold? or all the time , or under acceleration? when, that is the first clue we need to know ok?
- Q: Can sum1 tell me how i can tell if my valves are in the right place?I notice there are holes in the valves, please explain how those holes are suppose to face to for each of the 3 valves?
- Put the correct valve in the valve case. (There is usually a notch that guides the placement, but it is not always accurate enough.) Blow gently into the trumpet, (you don't need to play, just blow as you do to clear the spit valves). If you feel a resistance, rotate the valve until the resistance is gone. When there is no resistance with the valve up, depress the valve and blow again. There should be no resistance there either. Repeat with each valve.
- Q: Holding my right hand up, I am a newbie :) any help is greatly appreciated.a) Comparing the shape of the valve to a golf tee, what is the correct name for the thinnest section of the valve(the part of the golf tee that goes into the ground)b) What is the correct name for the widest section of the valve(the part of the golf tee that the ball is placed on.c) The cylinder that the valve moves up and down in, is it just called the valve cylinder?d) In the valve cylinder?, how does the widest part of the valve keeps things sealed. Does it use a ring(simmilar to pistons) or is it some type of gasket material or is it just zero clearance metal to metal.e) The section of the (valve cylinder?) that is above the seal point or basicaly where the valve spring and the thinnest part of the valve is, does oil flow through here?f) Do (valve cylinders?) generate enough heat to warrant the need for coolant?Newbie City, I know. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.TY
- a) The very end is the tip. Below that are grooves that the keepers lock into. This is actually the thinnest part. Below that is the rest of the stem. The general name for the largest part in total is the valve head. b) Surface sounds right. Hadn't really thought about it before. LOL c) Valve Guide. These can either be just a plain hole in the cylinder head material, or often they have bronze inserts. Plain Guides are often repaired by a process called knurling. d) Valves seal to the head by grinding each at the same angle, (usually 45 degrees) and then they are lapped which is where an abrasive compound is placed in between, and the valve is rotated. This matches the surfaces more closely yet. The parts that seal are called the valve face and the seat which is actually a separate part that is inserted into the head, and can be replaced. e) Oil is supplied to that general area, by either holes in pushrods that lubricate the rocker arm, or in the case of rockers mounted to a shaft, through the shaft. In the first case, oil is supplied by the hydraulic lifters. In the latter, the shaft pedestals are drilled for oil passages. In both cases, oil is present in the area, but is not applied directly to the valves. In fact, the job of the valve stem seal is to keep too much oil from getting in the guides. f) Usually the coolant flowing through the heads is enough to carry away the heat, although some hi-performance engines employ techniques such as hollow exhaust valves filled with sodium. Most normal valves are solid.
- Q: Why do we use in chilled water pipe network utilizing 2 way valves on all terminals except the last terminal we use a 3 way valve, also another question what does a pump shutt off pressure means
- A three-way valve on a chiller increases efficiency by allowing return water to mix with a small amount of the water being supplied to the loop. These valves are sometimes mechanical to allow water to recirculate through the chiller to keep the chiller running during low ambient conditions. A pump shut off pressure, is the pressure at which the pump control turns the pump off. If a system needs 60psi to run efficiently, the pump control will be set at 60psi.
- Q: im trying to turn on my sprinklers from the valve manually,but doesn't seem to work, the valve it's an antisiphon rainbird valve with two little knobs, I know that one is the bleeder and the other the pressure control, or something like that, and the solenoid has the on and off arrows on it, but i can't do it anyways,they come on automatically right on time ,it's just the manual thing that i can't do, please help me,i really need it
- Rainbird Manual
- Q: I have a Chevy Silverado 2500 5.7L V8. I have been having problems with passing smog. First one failed because it needed a new cat. Replaced it and tested again. NOx emissions are off the chart (1450/1006 max of 992/59615/25mph). I replaced the EGR valve based on a suggestion. Quick test today said the NOx emissions are still way off. Suggested that I change the EGR solenoid valve and also pull the EGR valve and use a coat hanger to clean some of the carbon build up. I purchased a new solenoid today but looking at it I noticed something. Since there are what are appear to be two ports on one side of the solenoid, I must have replaced the vacuum hose onto the wrong one after replacing the EGR valve. How much would this make a difference on the test readings taken? Would it be beneficial to just replace the solenoid anyway or try to test again with the current one but connected properly?
- This Site Might Help You. RE: What would happen if the EGR solenoid valve isn't connected properly? I have a Chevy Silverado 2500 5.7L V8. I have been having problems with passing smog. First one failed because it needed a new cat. Replaced it and tested again. NOx emissions are off the chart (1450/1006 max of 992/59615/25mph). I replaced the EGR valve based on a suggestion. Quick test today...
- Q: My pressure reducing valve (or restricting valve) was looked at by three master plumbers and they all said I need a new one. My water pressure has been low for weeks. It measures about 100 psi at the outside hose bibs, but it is very low inside and suddenly reduces after you turn on the facets inside. The shower is ok. My automatic sprinkler system is not able to work now due to low pressure. A relative of mine thinks we can just add a handle (as one is missing) on the valve and adjust the pressure ourselves. The repair of the valve is around $500-600! I am told in Texas that we have to have a permit and inspection to repair this valve. Also I was told by the last plumber that came out, that I have to install a expansion tank on my new hot water heater according to code. I'm not sure if that is a city code or federal. Please respond as to information you may have on this problem. The expansion tank is required I'm told when you have a pressure reducing valve for safety, is this true?
- The cost you quoted seems a bit high to me. Mine didn't cost anywhere near that amount in East Texas. A pressure reducing valve acts like a check valve when there is no flow. That is it closes as the pressure rises when you are not using any water. In this condition, the hot water heater can raise the pressure even higher since there is no place for the expanding water to go. That is the reason for the expansion tank. Without the expansion tank the pressure relief valve on the hot water heater can relieve unnecessarily or weep a bit.
- Q: so i'm replacing a one hole faucet, and i'm stuck at the very first step. the cold water valve turned off with no problems. i tried to turn on the cold water and none came out. unfortunately, the hot water valve just squeaks and goes around and around, never cutting off the water. when i turn it, it also leaks a minute amount of water, though regardless of which way i twist, it stops as soon as i do. i can't just unplug the hot water valve with it still running water, so does anyone have any ideas? how does one replace a valve like this to begin with? is it possible that there is a shut off valve for the house that i myself can access (without having to call someone to shut off my water)? in case you haven't noticed, i am a bit plumbing deficient, so if you could explain it without too much jargon, it would be much appreciated.
- There has to be a main shutoff in the house, whether you are hooked up to city water or have a pump. And no, when you shut off the main valve and the pressure drops very little more water will escape the water heater. If the water heater has a shut off valve on the hot water line coming out of it, even better. Shut one or the other/or both off and drain the pressure via the sink faucet. The only water you will get when you take the problem valve off will simply what is in the lines. You can then change the valve and faucet. It's always prudent to shut off the power, or flame if the the water heater is gas, in case there is a bit of syphoning.
- Q: I experience a quiet ride on a kawasaki vulcan vn 2000 and clicking started at the end sounds like valves ticking sometine like 2 then 1
- I think that bike has hydraulic lash adjusters, should be fairly quiet. How many miles? If it has hydraulic, that is great, it reduces your maintenance to oil changes. First thing to do is have a dealer listen to it. Some bikes are just a little noisier than we would like. Does it have a windshield? This will reflect every sound right back at you. You will hear engine sounds that you would not hear without it.
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High Performance CF8 Pressure Relief Valve
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