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Is there any common pattern between the two?While several ultra-Islamist countries have draconian laws to punish everyone who slanders god, CCP is known to punish everyone who slanders the Chinese Communist Party. CCP often resorts to informal detentions, punishments and disappearances which are completely outside the law, and so offer the government deniability and the victim no protection whatsoever.Do the Chinese people find any commonality between the Blasphemy Laws practiced in Islamist countries and the draconian policies of CCP?
Have you also noticed that these religious fanatics use God to justify their actions rather than the laws that benefit the people? It is similar in that China uses the welfare of the state rather than a god to get to the same end, and that is domination of the masses.
I forgot :DI think it's some sort of generator - I know there is some piece of equipment or machinery that converts the energy in power plants...Thanks in advance!!
I don't have health insurance, I'm gonna get fined out the *** for it too. Health insurance doesn't heal anyhow, not a good comparison.
I have fat thighs but don't want to buy expensive machinery what do i do?
Eat more healthy. Cut McDonald's and fast food out of your diet and eat more fruits and veggies. Take long walks and jogs as often as you can (1 a day, if possible). Good luck!
I need it!!
try okorder /
Where do i sell rubber rollers for printing and industrial machineries?
I can only think of OKorder, LOL!!!!
How long would it take a farmer to harvest crops in a 1 mile radius with out machinery?
It doesn't matter because if the farmer started to harvest the crops when they were ripe, he or she wouldn't be able to pick them all before they started to rot in the field. The farmer would need a lot of help. The more help, the less time it would take.
Can you just tell me what you did as a machinery repairman? Where was your first station that you went to? Or where you assigned directly to a ship? Did you ever get stationed at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard? Did you ever go overseas? Were you on the ship more or on shore more? And finally but not least when you were deployed how long were you usually deployed for?i know i have alot of questions but its something im interested in and no one has given me a straight answer. But anything will be greatly appreciated.Thank you for your time and God Bless :-)
First okorder /
what are the auxiliary machinery found in ships?
Anything that is not vital to the operation of the ship is considered to be aux equipment. Backup generators, pumps, cranes, small equipment, support equipment, I could go on and on but if the machinery does not play a vital role in keeping the ship going it is considered aux equipment.