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How do you eat the chocolate fountain in the cafeteria?
Wrap the fruit up with chocolate and then take it out for a while and wait until the chocolate is slightly coagulated
Chocolate fountain machine for chocolate fountain machine
Adding liqueurs can create complex flavors. You can use cheese! And dip in grapes, apples, bread, shrimp / sea food, crackers - make full use of your imagination! In the use of cheese, you only need to prepare a piece of cheese for your particular cream Hot pot, wine and cream dilution and maintain the liquid state, so that it can flow through the tower layer, thus, cheese powder can also be used.
Chocolate fountain fountain chocolate fountain machine classification
Single tower chocolate fountain machine: three layer chocolate fountain machine, four layer chocolate fountain machine, five layer chocolate fountain machine, six layer chocolate fountain machine, multilayer chocolate fountain machine.
What kind of chocolate is better for a chocolate fountain?
The best Belgian chocolate, though expensive, has a very good quality and taste. Couverture chocolate Couverture refers to those chocolate craftsman and pastry raw material for chocolate as the French call Couverture (Couverture). A coating of French Couverture is defined as containing at least 31% cocoa butter chocolate, the 1 content is about two times the usual we eat chocolate. Chocolate technologists and pastry makers choose this type of chocolate as a coating of food in order to obtain a shiny appearance, and that it has the characteristics of rapid melting and easy operation.
The chocolate fountain machine features a chocolate fountain machine
4 layers of removable stainless steel waterfall tower; do not change the original characteristics of chocolate, you can quickly melt chocolate; balance the adjustment of the foot, so that the machine vertical, smooth and safe;
The details of the chocolate fountain
Hello. You still try to sell the machine, this machine I bought in Hangzhou the year before last. I thought it would be a good idea. At the mall, the school. Pedestrian street。 Very fresh. The result is not at all possible. I choose walking street. Not delicious, not recognized. And the chocolates they bought together didn't flow as well as they did. Intermittent and uneven, chocolate is more expensive than other places, local food additives have chocolate, but also cheaper. To tell the truth is deceptive. This year I have another home here, the results did not quit a few days, and this does not work, or diverted it. I experienced it myself.
The chocolate fountain
Chocolate fondue and volcanic ice cream are unimaginable when they are small. And now, as long as you buy a small machine, you can go home and say it yourself! The "chocolate fountain" is very simple to use. Just go to chocolate or chocolate.
Special chocolate for a chocolate fountain
Special high cocoa fat chocolate prices are generally higher, and the other cheaper option is chocolate flavored syrup, also known as chocolate paint. Chocolate syrup is cheap and liquid, so it doesn't need to be heated before it melts. The best Belgian chocolate, though expensive, has excellent quality and taste.