Stainless Steel Storage Tank

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Hi. I have a Crown Freeport water boiler, model CTPR 4. I perform all of the regular maintenance on this boiler but wonder about the water in the system. Does anyone know if I need to service the water periodically? That is, does it need to be replaced, flushed, additives added? Thanks for any suggestions and help.
there is an Oxygen inhibitor that should be in it, [keeps the pipes from rusting] and of course an antifreeze is there a auto make up valve on it ? other wise it,s fine
I think every women I dated either was totally dispassionate OR a complete bunny boiler. Why no in-between?
Good question..Fatal Attraction was a great movie....The more modern version is Derailed...Enjoy
what is the engineering difference between locomotive boiler and normal industrial boiler ?
A locomotive boiler is a fire tube boiler where the fire is in the tubes and the water is in the outside of the tubes. A normal boiler has the water in the tubes and the fire on the outside. The fire tube boiler is better for moving vehicles and boats because the water level is not as critical.
Just bought a new house and the hot water from the sinks is scalding. The boiler is an older Burnham RS-112 with a tankless coil. From what I can tell via online searches, I have a manual mixing valve as I do not see a black knob or similar to adjust hot and cold water settings. Assuming this is correct, how can I identify the valve to adjust the water temperature?
ask the old owner about it
do you think you can tell early on in the relationship, before they have chance to do you harm?
bunny boiler, ha! Sadly, there probably arent many signs of psycho-ness early on. We women are pretty sly and know how to conceal things. You're best bet is to ALWAYS use a condom, the pregnancy trick is the oldest in the book! No matter what she tells you, always use protection. My poor brother got duped by the old its ok, I'm on the pill line, even though I told him since he was a teenager to always wear a condom. Other than that, be sure to date someone for a long time and live with them if possible before marriage. Good luck!
My boiler stops working if the heat doesn't need to run for a while. Like during the day web no one is home we turn it down to 65. Same at night. We have to hit the reset button in order for it to start working again. We just had it cleaned thinking that was the issue. Plz help. We're cold!!
Some of the modern boilers get confused when there is a lot of wind because it makes them think that the gas-output is behaving irregularly. I suppose they are designed to do this as a safety or efficiency mechanism. Restting the system each time this happens is the only way to correct the problem. ..... other than buying a new boiler. (Note my discreet use of the )
I have a Vokera combi boiler (excell SP 80) which is probably around 12 years old. Lately is has switched off for no apparent reason. Even though I have managed to switch it back on, what would you recommend to do : have it repaired or changed?Other question, when I asked for quotes to have it changed, the plumber told me that the gas pipe is too narrow and the gas pipes leading to the boiler need to be changed. This would entail major work, so my question is : shy should I have wider gas pipes fitted?Thanks in advance for all your answers
First of all, ignore the get new friends people. Having sex without protection, especially at such a young age, was a really dumb mistake, but you shouldn't abandon your friend when she most needs you. Check with her that she has more evidence of pregnancy than fat. By that, I mean missed periods or a pregnancy test. She probably has already checked, but it's worth asking. She can't deal with this without her parents. It's just not possible. Besides, they'll find out anyway. They're not stupid; pregnancy is incredibly obvious. This is where peer pressure is a positive. Even if it damages your relationship in the short run you absolutely must pressure her to tell her parents. You should talk to your parents as well, even if she doesn't want you to. She will thank you later. If you have a good reason to believe that her parents would abuse her if they knew then she should at least talk to other adults about the situation. She can't do this alone. An abortion may very well be the best option at this point. Besides the emotional impact, I've heard that pregnancy isn't healthy for younger teenagers. Don't quote me on that, though. But HURRY, HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Every day that passes increases ethical issues. At a certain point (the third trimester), abortion isn't even an option. If she does choose to carry out her pregnancy then she needs to get prenatal care. Planned Parenthood's web site has some relevant reading material. It might even be worth a call to them. They've dealt with similar situations many times before. There is information on other parts of the web as well. Search for teen pregnancy in a search engine. Ignore any web sites that are condemning teens in her situation. That's not what she needs right now! Act quickly, time is not on your side! Good luck Edit: I wrote too quickly on contacting Planned Parenthood. Leave that to the adults.
I have a manually controlled outdoor wood boiler and i want to make it so i never have to go outside to adjust it ever again, so what do I need? An aquastat with a blower? do i need to buy a well for the aquastat? do i need an aquastat controller? How do i hook up an automatic damper? and how does all of this tie into a thermostat? Would it be cheaper to install a clip on aquastat? Help me out here guys.
There are 'surface contact' aquastats. Honeywell I believe. The aquastat is a simple contact (Normally Open) to control current (110Vac) to a device. I have mine connected to a solenoid flapper door to supply fresh air to the firebox; set at about 125F. When it gets below that, the aquastat closes current to the flapper solenoid opens fire stokes raises the water temp. turns off when it reaches 125F. Inside the house I have all this above circuit coming from a 24 hour timer, with 2 on/off periods of about 1.5-2 hours each session. Power available to the boiler about 3 pm (warms the house just before everyone gets home from work); and about 3am which warms it up in time when we're getting ready to get up for work. All this depends on some factors of course: how big is the firebox what kind of wood are you using; how well insulated the house is; do you get a lot of southern exposure (solar gain); how much floor radiator surface ( efficiency) you have. The indoor timer can be manually tripped for those -20F nights and we need a bit extra heat inside, but it's handy so not a big problem. I use oak slabs from the local mill full pack the firebox (approx 40 deep X 30 diameter) at least once a day.