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I need to make some electrical schematics up for some older equipment. What programs are available other than AutoCAD? Not wanting to spend the $$$ for AutoCAD at this time and I'd prefer not to use paper and pencil.Thanks.
I use Autocad because it's all I have (licenced). It really sux at creating electrical schematics. Better is Orcad. Also, check out Electronics Work Bench they have a great Schematics Capture program. Yes, look for schematic capture programs I don't know why they call them capture programs. Visio has some cool libraries! As someone mentioned, Spice! Next question, where are you going to show or use these schematics? Are you going to send them to anyone? if so, you might want to go for a common drawing program. GL.
I am gonna graduate in may with a 2 year degree which would make me a Electronics tech. I already was offered a job with Intell and i plan to work there while i get my bachlor. Is there i difference in the 2? and also Intell offered me 52k to start as a tech, is that good? and how much can i expect to make once i get my 4 year degree? thx
Electronics is more typically used for a technical/2-year degree for a tech trained to work with electronics lab equipment like oscilloscopes, benchtop power supplies, etc. The title of electrical engineer ( a degree in electrical engineering) is most often given to the graduate of a 4 or 5 year accredited degree program dealing with a wide variety of theory and technology related to applications of electricity and magnetism. In the industry, electrical by itself would more often refer to household or automotive wiring, often higher power, as Doug mentions, whereas electronics refers more to devices like computers, cell phones, etc. And yes, $52k is probably a pretty good salary for a tech straight out of school -- but you might want to get the employer name right :) Intel only has one L.
Hi i'm 13 years old and i'm always getting tired. for example every day i come home from school i go straight to sleep and i don't know why . This dident always happen till i got to 6th grade. And when i'm at my friends i get so tired and want to go to sleep but i don't know why either ? Please help me and tell me hy im getting so tired and sleepy now and days ?
You may be starting puberty, and that would make this normal.
for a store of electrical equipments, I want to create a database for it, what is the data that I should maintain in this database (the names of the columns)?
You need multiple tables. Using int() auto_increment primary keys for linking each section of data you want something like : stock_codes ( id int(6) primary key auto_increment, stock_code varchar(45) unique key, stock_description varchar(45), stock_qty int(6), suppler_id int(6) ) stock_movement ( id int(6) primary key auto_increment, in_date date, out_date date, moved_qty int(6), stock_id int(6), ) It helps to have tables of suppliers details, client details, sales person details, department details etc. If items have possible alternative suppliers you dump the supplier_id from the stock codes and use a link table for the stock id and supplier id to identify each inward transaction. Add tables for any additional information using links from the other tables to co-ordinate the data.
Especially from the U.K? I wanted to buy some weighing scales for like ?6, cos like I noticed you can resell them over here in the U.K for like ?50, or are these fake?
the us is in a recession; NOTHING should be bought from China. also, China is a COMMUNIST nation.
i dont understand this, every surge protector claims to protect phone lines from surges but why?
Two weeks ago we had a heavy duty thunder storm. it went through the Phone Line this is what got fried, Telephone, DSL modem. Router, Ethernet card in desktop computer, PS3 So I guess it went through phone then modem then Ethernet card, to router that was wired to the PS3. This is why you want to protect your phone lines if you have DSL. I learned a very expensive lesson. I now have my phone/DSL line surge protected.
For a treadmill.I could get a manual for reallly cheap but I had my heart set on an electrical one.I've never really used a manual oneWhat do you think?
Get the Electrical one you will like it more.
.and what does it entail?
$40,000-$60,000 out of college $70,000-$100,000 depending on location and experience or lots of meats and vegitables