Sg Iron Foundry

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I never liked metal when I was old, now that I am not so old I am starting to like metal. Ozzy kinda does it for me. Since I have decided that I can like metal I need to have input. Today's favorite is I don't want to stop, Ozzy. Any suggestions for this formerly old guy?
what is the most expensive metal in the world ????
So you're looking for deathcore? I'd suggest All Shall Perish, Make Them Suffer, Winds of Plague, Thy Art is Murder, and The Faceless (they are a tech death band with noticeable deathcore influence).
It sounds rather metal to me, but I'm not a musician or even a huge music lover. I am merely a casual listener. Why is nu-metal not considered metal?
The okorder
i had a metal bb in my knee and i had to go though a metal dector and it didnt go off. when i got home i put a magnet to it and it stuck. what is attracted to a magnet but doesnt set a metal detector off??
with the information given there are hundreds of suggestions... get away the destiny, killswitch have interaction, asking alexandria, an afternoon to keep in mind, emmure.... almost all bands interior the metalcore variety have sparkling making a song to a pair quantity.... and that all of them have had an erie or evil sounding song at one factor... sounds to me such as you arent going to get an answer... are you able to let us know what the video replaced into like? what replaced into in it? what replaced into the band wearing/doing?
sorry im old school and i know thrash metal death metal etc but now there is melodic metal? Can anybody give me examples of bands that play melodic metal? Im a lover of metal but i have heard it called everything but melodic till now!!!!
Los Angeles
Name your favorite sub-genres of metal and name a few bands from each sub-genre you mention as well. My favorites are thrash metal, metalcore, death metal, deathcore, technical death metal, melodic thrash metal, and melodic metalcore. I don't mind symphonic black metal either, although I have only heard one band (Abigail Williams) that I like so far.
NO! If anything, metal back then is better than metal now. People love stereotyping metal, saying oh its just satanic screaming and stuff and stupid accusations like that. Most people who hate metal, hear it everyday and just don't know it. Old school metal, especially, is what made rock and metal today, and even spawned off and inspired alot of other artists. Now then *waits for loads of agreements, or loads of pop and rap kids to start stating retarded crap, followed by some poseurs bringing up metalcore and nu-metal
I just found a band recently that was doom metal that I thought was pretty cool. this is the only doom metal band I know thats good. there called Swallow the Sun. anyone know of any other good doom metal bands.
Name three metals used to coat other metals. Why is one metal used to coat another?I can say one might be copper..but im not sure about this one
iron and it's many alloys (steels of various types) That is all the ferrous metals. .