Marine Plywood

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What does plywood mean and its synthesis?
Plywood is one of the common materials for furniture, one of the three panels of man-made board, but also for aircraft, ships, trains, cars, construction and packaging materials
What harm does the plywood factory work?
occupational chronic benzene poisoning refers to the workers in the professional activities Long-term exposure to benzene vapor caused by hematopoietic system damage as the main manifestation of systemic disease.
Material for the plywood defects which
Primary rot incipient decay The erosion of the fungus by the growth of the fungus causes a slight change in its chemical composition (usually before drying), showing slight changes in the hardness and discoloration, resulting in changes in the nature of the wood.
Further processing of the plywood
plywood treated plywood plywood used in the manufacturing process or after manufacturing to deal with the physical properties of coupons.
Edge defects at the edges of the panel due to sanding, sawing or collision caused by the corner defects.
Hard fiber board is also a density board
, the same tree species or similar tree species, the same processing method (peeling or slicing)
Plywood is a common material for furniture?
Commonly used plywood type plywood, penta and so on. Plywood can improve timber utilization and is a major way to save wood
What are the shortcomings of plywood
A group of veneers are usually in the direction of adjacent layers of wood grain perpendicular to the formation of each other, usually its table and the inner plate symmetrically arranged in the center layer or plate on both sides