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The price of raw materials can say better, is the PVC material.
Usually in square meters. But whether by square meters or by weight count, but the process is different, but the results will be the same unit price. Off to know how much the cost of this product, how much profit. The cost of each product produced by the factory are not necessarily, of course, the profit is not the same. Cost is the material, management, plant rent, utilities, machine depreciation and other costs together, and now PVC materials have different grades, the specific price can be found on the Internet to see.
Will the plastic building template on the builders really do not use the price is how much price
Over the past two years the domestic market has appeared several "plastic building template", many builders are also trying to use plastic building templates, we all recognize that plastic building template is to replace steel mold, wood mold, bamboo mold of the inevitable product, Is the future direction of the development of architectural templates. Now the country has six or seven plastic building template manufacturers. Production of plastic building templates are different materials, in order to help all the correct selection of builders, the market is now on the composition of several plastic building templates and performance for a rough analysis, to all the use of plastic building templates to build a wake up , To avoid blind selection and cause unnecessary losses.
Plastic building template where there is an urgent need to solve
Plastic construction template turnover can reach more than 30 times, but also recycling. Temperature to adapt to a large range of specifications adaptability, can be saw, drill, easy to use. Temporal surface of the template, smoothness than the existing technical requirements of the water concrete template, a flame retardant, anti-corrosion, anti-water and anti-chemical corrosion function, have better mechanical properties and electrical insulation properties. Can meet a variety of cuboid, cube, L-shaped, U-shaped building support model requirements.
Want to purchase a number of building templates and found a new plastic building template, do not know how the quality?
Plastic construction template is the disadvantage of airtight and non-absorbent, in the mold, the wall will blister, can not meet the construction requirements, especially high-rise buildings, repeated use after a few times can no longer use. At present, a large number of domestic or wood template.
I heard that there are building aluminum template and plastic template it? Which is better?
Wood-plastic building templates in the construction works more useful, more affordable, more convenient.
What is the economic benefits of building wood formwork compared to plastic molds?
Both are their own strength, stiffness is not high, the turnover rate of the template material is low, but the cost is relatively low, due to different uses, can not be compared: wood sheet low cost, can be processed, the turnover rate is low, can not help blisters, if Small keel spacing is large, and the concrete side of the larger pressure, its own stiffness is low, there will be bending deformation or even up the mold, generally in the base floor or slope roof and other concrete appearance quality requirements are not high or one-time no longer a lot of turnover Parts of the use of plastic templates are generally stereotypes, such as ribbed floor in the plastic mold shell, is a specific structure with the template can be leased.
Does the building plastic template use it? How's the effect? Can I use 30 to 50 times? Can the fire protection requirements of the steel plate on the cast-in-place plate be achieved?
Plastic template this line, and now China is not perfect, may reach less than 30-50 this requirement, but better than the wood template, fire requirements should be able to achieve.
I am a novice, do this product development, and now design a set of products, and now take the product to open the mold, it is not clear what kind of material template selection! Please advise experts who look
You do not explain your product is to open a metal mold or plastic mold, the two mold materials are not the same! I do plastic mold, we mainly use the factory S136 quenching material as a mold material, the slider generally use 718. And you also have the output of the product requirements of the mold, the production will choose a better point of the material.