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why does my mouse bounce from one thing to another on my desk top???
Draw a picture of a car accident in the middle of a busy intersection where the doors are open, and the teen is shown laying unconsious in the driver seat of the car. Draw blood driplets spilling out of his torso, a half empty beer bottle in his hand, a cracked cell phone dropped on the road, and make sure the impact of the vehicle is heavily focused on. THis resembles the speeding. In some blank area, maybe on the side of the ambulance, write Is it worth it?. When you do write that, just make sure you make the beer, cell phone, and car stand out.
ohk so its one of those locks with a silver metal loop thing on top and it has like a round yellow body thing with a white dial on it you know. with the numbers and notch markings and everything, ya get me? yeah so ive had this for like a year and i lost the peice of paper with the combination on it and i want to figure it out if thats possible? is there some trick or something? on the silver loop part on the top that you pull up to open it it says 'CASEHARD', and thats the only writing on it other than 'MADE IN CHINA' on the back. thanks in advance!(: lt;3
Because you are distracted by the phone and you might poke someone in the eye with your umbrella.
I work for a shaver blender co that my other coworker prefer not to glue in the PVC joints, saying its due to ease of removals. However, I've been in this type of business for several years and have always glued PVC joints due to sanitary issues and seepage issues. I think its due to laziness on their part anyone have GREAT debate answer for me to use tomoorow?
When you say biker do you mean cyclist or motorcyclist? My advice on riding an m/bike in bad conditions is don't! I don't care what anybody says, I rode motorcycles through wind, snow, sleet, ice and driving rain and never ever ever did I enjoy it. Get a car. But if you must ride a motorcycle in winter: watch out for low sun which can cause a strange camoflauge/dappling effect on roads and render huge vehicles invisible, if you're on a snow covered road ride through the fresh snow not the compacted snow where vehicles have left tyre tracks, if you get cold stop in a cafe to warm up rather than try trudging on. Also, wear a hi-viz vest or jacket; the emergency services wear them for good reason. On a bicycle; only take a hybrid or MTB out in snow and ice, snow tyres are a good idea if you can afford a set but regular off-road tyres should give a fair amount of grip. And in all cases: keep your speed down and be prepared for a spill.
What it takes to do plumbing under kitchen sink ?
71.43% chance to pick one that works. To clear things out for you,here's the operation: 1750/(1750+500)1750/2250 Also: 1/1.285714285714285714
QQ video and QQ phone What is the difference?
Video can face to face to see people, the phone can only speak ah
Can use following: 4 dixie bathroom cups or 3 tp rolls(empty), 5 reg. rubber bands, 1 sheet 81/2X11 paper, 5 index cards, 10 reg. straws, 1 plastic lid, 1 meter wire, 25 toothpicks, 1 plastic sandwich bag, 1 meter of string/yarn, 5 meters masking tape, 20 small metal washers, 25 packing peanuts, 1 sheet tissue paper, 20 reg. sized pipe cleaners, 20 craft sticks. Egg can not be wrapped, glued, boiled, colored or altered in any way. Need help fast. None of my designs have worked.
Long answer: I did Tae kwon do for 3.5 years and actually got to black belt. The only time we used saftey gear is at grading. The reason for this is when ever we practiced sparring it was very light contact, you could never hurt the other person if they got hit, Also everyone was very profiecent at blocking, almost every hit was blocked, I was a blue belt and red belts were struggling to hit me, thats how everyone was. Short answer: Before you learn to hit, learn to block.
Im making coasters and I use white sculpy clay then paint over with white spray paint to make a coaster. but when I glaze it over with with envirotex pour on epoxy resin the resin turns really yellowish. What can I do to prevent it from turing yellow? Do the chemicals in the paint or clay do this to epoxy resins? What can I do?
I have been a plumber for over 20 years now, and I would use copper, although pex is easier to install and cheaper its still relatively new to the industry. Here we are about 10-15 years after bottled water became main stream and there is already talk of drinking from plastic bottles being harmful. Who knows what they will be saying about pex 15, 20 yrs from now, it just hasn't been studied long enough, or on the market long enough. I wouldn't want my family drinking, making ice, brushing teeth constantly from a new plastic product. But hey that's just one guys opinion
How can i see myself in mirrors, car windows, screens and other reflective materials in one way, but in photographs and even videos, i see myself differently (obviously not completely different, but enough for it to standout)? Is it my iphone's camera or is my focus point different when i look in a mirror as opposed to the camera or am i just crazy and seeing things?p.s. which one is the real me ? ( again, i am aware that there is only one, but just humor me)
They don't want people calling them and bugging them when they get banned or just to be annoying. Think of this some forums related to RuneScape [usually cheating] gets attacked by DDos, which is a thing that causes forums to have so many commands that it lags and shuts down. It's sort of like that, they don't want people upset with bans or just annoying people to bug them. And going there is a huge deal, there was recently a video contest and the winner could win a trip to Jagex, so it's obviously not a tourist stop.