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Below loft is a bedroom and that has wet patches on the ceiling. What is causing this?
Whoever installed the windows and/or skylight (sounds like a skylight or roof window to me) didn't install them properly. Same goes with the roof. Call back your contractors and have them fix the job.
its a flat house roof but the front of the house the front window has a little steep roof add on. that's the part of the roof being replaced.. most information offered highly detailed will get a best rating please help
most information offered highly detailed will get a best rating<< you want us to give you an answer with details, firstly your question is vague and secondly adding a picture with your post would give us more details.
Spoons are to window caulk, as roof shingle are to......?
Bed bolsters
Roof skylight leak how to do in the morning up the skylight position on the floor are water, the walls are moldy,
Is your glass cover on the water leakage to the ground, because the night indoor and outdoor temperature difference in the indoor glass surface condensation into water vapor, part of the direct drop in the glass cover below, part of the glass flowing to the wall, You have to pay close attention to this, your walls are long hair, and if convenient, in the original glass above, with a piece of the same glass, is the kind of plastic window principle, the middle of a certain air there can change the room Outside the temperature difference, if not, put your light glass on the wall it. Or you pass a map up, I will introduce you to other programs.
how much value can new windows, new front lawn, and a new roof add to my home?
Depends on the overall condition of the house. What the house was appraised at. How many windows, how much lawn was replaced and the roof's sq.ft. I would say w/o knowing, at least 50k. Roof alone was probably 7 to 10k.. am I close?
What are the materials used to repair water leakage at the roof skylight?
You can use Shu Yu waterproof external walls of polymer waterproofing solution or Shu Yu waterproof polymer waterproof glue to deal with, the effect is better.
I have a 2 story house and I have roof windows that have a crank opening. The windows work great but they are starting to get dirty and I want to clean them. I can't get on the roof because I can't stand high places and the roof has so much of a slope, when you put a rag on the roof it just slides off. Is there a way I can clean the outsides of the roof windows without hiring someone? If I have to hire someone I will just wait for it to rain and let nature clean it.
improve the air move from the 2d floor to the first floor this perhaps finished with using a ceiling fan blowing down contained in the stairwell. Get the duct artwork wiped clean and make useful that the filter out is sparkling (in iciness i adjust mine each 60 days or extra. Having a furnace humidifier also facilitates keep the abode feeling hotter. make useful no longer something is blocking your chilly air go back!
My passenger window and sun roof move slower than the driver's side, mostly because I almost never use them. The dealer told me they can lubricate the weather stripping and that will make the windows move smoother. They want a lot of money for it so I thought I would ask if anyone knows what kind of lubricant they use
i always use wd40 this also hepls keep doors from freezing shut in the winter.