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We have to start the construction site immediately, and have not used this plastic building template; I would like to ask you all the big brother who used this plastic building template ah? How is the quality of ah? So good ah?
The production of plastic building template not only has the many advantages of plastic template, but also successfully broke the plastic building template price is high, the price is equivalent to the current construction industry commonly used bamboo sheet, while giving the plastic template more advantage.
Will the plastic building template on the builders really do not use the price is how much price
Over the past two years the domestic market has appeared several "plastic building template", many builders are also trying to use plastic building templates, we all recognize that plastic building template is to replace steel mold, wood mold, bamboo mold of the inevitable product, Is the future direction of the development of architectural templates. Now the country has six or seven plastic building template manufacturers. Production of plastic building templates are different materials, in order to help all the correct selection of builders, the market is now on the composition of several plastic building templates and performance for a rough analysis, to all the use of plastic building templates to build a wake up , To avoid blind selection and cause unnecessary losses.
Who used plastic building templates? How is the effect? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Plastic construction template is not a good place to say, talk about the shortcomings of it, 1: the quality is too heavy, 2 intensity is not very satisfactory, 3, a little fee wooden side
Plastic building template where there is an urgent need to solve
Plastic construction template turnover can reach more than 30 times, but also recycling. Temperature to adapt to a large range of specifications adaptability, can be saw, drill, easy to use. Temporal surface of the template, smoothness than the existing technical requirements of the water concrete template, a flame retardant, anti-corrosion, anti-water and anti-chemical corrosion function, have better mechanical properties and electrical insulation properties. Can meet a variety of cuboid, cube, L-shaped, U-shaped building support model requirements.
Want to purchase a number of building templates and found a new plastic building template, do not know how the quality?
Plastic construction template is the disadvantage of airtight and non-absorbent, in the mold, the wall will blister, can not meet the construction requirements, especially high-rise buildings, repeated use after a few times can no longer use. At present, a large number of domestic or wood template.
Shear wall plastic template for the wall height and thick ratio requirements is how much?
Should not be less than 160mm, and should not be less than the floor of the high 1/20; bottom reinforced parts of the wall thickness of not less than 200mm, and should not be less than the floor of the high 16/1. Hope to be helpful to you.
Does the building plastic template use it? How's the effect? Can I use 30 to 50 times? Can the fire protection requirements of the steel plate on the cast-in-place plate be achieved?
The reason why the use of the template is to use the template template is the accuracy of the template, that is, after the mold can be set to ensure that the finished product finished shape regular, flush. While the plastic film version is not damaged, the completion can achieve this requirement. But the crux of the problem is that the biggest weakness of the plastic film is too brittle. Those who have done the work know that when the demolition of the template, the workers removed the template directly down to throw. And this throw to lead to the plastic film version of the broken, it is very difficult to film in the film. This is also the reason why the plastic film from the interview more than 10 years can not always develop the root causes. And then plastic film board in the mold when it is very strenuous, must drill with a drill, or can not die, not convenient construction. This is also a plastic film version can not become a mainstream template and a fatal weakness. The third weakness is its flammability. Construction site of the steel connections are required welding, welding flowers gradually to the plastic film board, at least in its surface to form a deep pit (or even lead to fire), a direct impact on the finished product surface finish and flatness.
How does the concrete on the plastic template remove (already glued to the concrete)
With pliers slowly pull, or spray gun spray.