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We have to start the construction site immediately, and have not used this plastic building template; I would like to ask you all the big brother who used this plastic building template ah? How is the quality of ah? So good ah?
We use the pp building template. The effect is also good, top about. They also recycle the plastic building template we used for 3 tons for 1 ton.
Plastic deformation of the template how to solve or why the deformation Thank you I want the reason
Pvc plate deformation are: physical deformation and chemical deformation.A physical deformation, the cause:???? High temperature lead to deformation, if it is such a deformation, targeted plastic raw materials for high temperature modification, can effectively improve such problems???? Improper textile lead to deformation, such deformation has two reasons, a plate of raw materials can not meet the actual requirements of the product requirements, re-deployment of raw materials formula to meet the actual requirements of the product can be. Second, the processing and storage methods are not correct, leading to deformation, such problems can solve the problem from the rootTwo chemical deformation: mainly the molecular structure of raw materials change.
Who used plastic building templates? How is the effect? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
The main advantages are:1, the surface smooth and smooth, high strength, the provincial workers, the expected material, can meet the requirements of clear water concrete template, after stripping without cleaning the surface of the template, thus saving a lot of labor, template flatness can be controlled within 0.3mm, thickness uniformity, Can be controlled within ± 0.3mm, wood than the wood to save 2/3 of the nails.2, good water resistance, toughness, long-term immersion is not layered, water swelling rate of less than 0.06%, in -30 ℃ _ +60 ℃ range of normal use, the use of 6 years of aging of 15%, normal use of 8 Years or more.3, plasticity, according to the design and component size requirements, processing and production of different shapes and different specifications of the template, a curvature of the template for the production of a more simple template can be drilling nails, saws, planing and other wood mold with the same machinability , On-site stitching simple and convenient.4, recyclable use, plastic template to a certain extent can be fully recycled, regardless of the size of the old and new, after processing, can be added to produce a new template
I heard that there are building aluminum template and plastic template it? Which is better?
Aluminum alloy template is the best architectural template, the advantages of a high number of turnaround, the theory is 300 times, but the actual use of 60 will have a small part of the deformation, a comprehensive calculation of 150 no problem, the second is quick, every worker day Can be assembled 20 square meters or more, three is light weight, manual transmission is very convenient, do not rely on tower crane, four is the quality assurance, the basic can meet the specifications, five is conducive to civilized construction, will not produce garbage and noise, No wood. Disadvantages of a high cost, and second, only in the standard layer to use to play advantage
Why the floor is not plastic building materials square wood and template
Must be strong and durable, the environment is bad, need to find strong
What is the economic benefits of building wood formwork compared to plastic molds?
Both are their own strength, stiffness is not high, the turnover rate of the template material is low, but the cost is relatively low, due to different uses, can not be compared: wood sheet low cost, can be processed, the turnover rate is low, can not help blisters, if Small keel spacing is large, and the concrete side of the larger pressure, its own stiffness is low, there will be bending deformation or even up the mold, generally in the base floor or slope roof and other concrete appearance quality requirements are not high or one-time no longer a lot of turnover Parts of the use of plastic templates are generally stereotypes, such as ribbed floor in the plastic mold shell, is a specific structure with the template can be leased.
Plastic mold dynamic template, the size of the template
Bigger than the fixed model on the line, a good folder folder.
How does the concrete on the plastic template remove (already glued to the concrete)
Stupid way, with a little hammer little bit of the beat, out a little less a little bit.