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Simple. Clasp your palms together and begin with your arms straight. Then slowly curl one arm, flexing at the elbow while resisting with the other arm. You'll be doing concentric (positive) training the biceps of one while doing eccentric (negative) training of the triceps of the other arm. Do that until the muscle burns and you cannot flex any more. Good luck and good health!! ?
how much do they cost to replace a broken one?thanks..
You can get an exact replacement window from cat but it will be expensive ($300 or more) depending on the size of the window. You can call the local cat house and they will be happy to give you a price, you will need the model and serial number for the parts man to look it up. If it is just broken glass and the gasket and frame are OK you can go to a local glass company and get a new window cut which should save you some money.
Should we destroy and ban as much technology as we can. Anything that didn't exist before 1800? As anyone literate in weaponry would know that bows and arrows accompanied by a personal choice of knife, sword or hatchet are far more effective than the muskets and blunder busters in real warfare.
IF you do that then what will liberals use because everything is to complex for them to operate.
This means 6,000 a month if you wanna amortize, but this means that your cash installments will be the same as the asset depreciation monthly portions !
i need woood working machinery for my industry.i am looking for good indian supplier for iported machines.
You can find several trusted suppliers near by your region for easy and affordable transportation of your required woodworking machines.
Both answers above me are good. However i would like to add, that there is the theory that viruses could be the result of genome reduction taken to extreme levels. They may have started out as a normal microbe but got more efficiant and lost most of their genome. In the end you have a Virus. Its much easier to use things that already exist then to make them yourself. You would rather buy a car then to design and build one for yourself from scratch. However there are some viruses who dont need that much help from cells. Pox viruses for example need just a few ribosomes and tRNA and they are happy. Adeno associated virus however is so lazy it needs another virus present in order to replicate.
I am trying to decide what i want to settle in and do for a career. I would really like to become a heavy machine operator for road contruction and such. What are the requirements to get into this kinda work and where is a good place to start? I don't have any other contruction experience, i have painted houses and installed satellite for years.
To okorder
What machinerys did the germans and british use in ww1subs, boats, knives, machine guns, etc?and who had the best?
Not to mention tanks.