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i had it done 2/3 months ago, it was fine at first but now on each end i have two lumps on my ear:S there relitavely smal...the size of like a really tiny pea.there really painfull and sore and quite red and sometimes they scab over with yellowy crust [yes i know sounds disguisting]im just a bit worried that its gone all weird or are these normal? am i cleaning it right?
I had the same situation occur when I got my scaffold/industrial done. I wouldn't be too concerned. The lumps are called hypertrophic scars, and supposedly they are pretty common and are caused by overcleaning, harsh products, or (as I think was my case) general irritation from the jewelry moving repeatedly back and forth through the piercing or being bumped around or rubbed/touched. Mine lasted quite a long time. Try leaving your piercing alone for a couple of days. Then salt water solutions or compresses are supposed to help the lumps to heal, and I also used tea tree oil and neosporine intermittently. Hot compresses like a heated washcloth applied to the area help to reduce the lumps, as well. Sometimes it's recommended to try another type of jewelry, like titanium, or switch temporarily to two separate bars. You might also try finding a really gentle cleanser/soap. I just kept my original piercing, using the above techniques off and on, and after months of the lumps remaining red and sore, they just went away totally. Just keep your eye out for any pussing (hypertrophic scars ooze, but they don't usually pus), increased swelling, and the area feeling very hot- these are signs of infectiona nd you should see your doc right away. Good luck! :)
i just need to know the age limit with parental permission?
I'm pretty sure it's 16-17 with parental permission. I suggest looking up some of the shops in your area and seeing what they say. There usually isn't a set rule for it, every shop is different. Like some shops may refuse seeing, say, a 14 year old, whereas another shop might do it with the parent's permission. Then of course, once you hit 18, you can do whatever you want, lol.
I am currently taking early childhood care education as my college major. I am learning about ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development), and scaffolding the the development in early childhood.How would you explain, and define scaffolding
Scaffolding basically means being the support (a scaffold is a support) in the child's learning. A preschooler can do a range of things. He or she will have mastered some things already and there will also be things that are beyond what he or she can do. When playing with the preschooler, you want to make sure that what's going on falls in that range (zone of proximal development). Don't give him or her something that's too easy or too hard to do, but play games that make them think a little and use what he or she already knows to take it a bit further. I hope I'm not confusing you more. In one sentence..scaffolding is supporting the child in learning something new based on what they already can do or know.
I got my scaffolding approximately about 7 weeks ago maybe just a lil over, I want to know when is a good time to change the bar/take it out, I am keeping up with cleaning it 2 to 3 times a day with the saline solution, even though, it only requires to be cleaned 1-2 times a day to be fair though
9-12 months of healing time so 9-12 months until you change it. You should never change an unhealed piercing. Take it from someone who had to retire her industrial piercing from changing it too early, leave it alone until it is 100% healed.
Do the external wall decoration (from the top down to do) scaffolding is to wait until after the completion of the indoor and outdoor decoration before the demolition?If the first interior decoration, can make a layer of a layer of it is to remove all the work finished I mean I finished all the interior decoration, wall decoration only, then I do a wall decoration on the demolition of a layer of scaffolding, this site useful no
The relevant provisions of the demolition of the external wall scaffold:First, the removal of scaffolding before the accurate preparation work should meet the following requirements:1, should be a comprehensive inspection of the scaffold fastener connection, even wall pieces, support system, etc. are in line with the requirements of the structure;2, should be based on the results of the inspection to improve the construction organization design of the demolition order and measures, approved by the competent authorities before the implementation;3, should remove the scaffolding on the debris and ground obstacles.
A 67.0- painter is on a uniform 21- scaffold supported from above by ropes. There is a 3.8- pail of paint to one side. The ropes are 1m inside the scaffold on each side. The pail is 1m away from the left rope and 3m from the right rope. The scaffold is a 6m. How close to the right end can he approach safely? How close to the left end can he approach safely?
First of units, no answer. Second of all...according to OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration), NO ONE can walk on a scaffold beam outside the support ropes OR SET ANY OBJECT DOWN outside the support ropes. Hence the answers for both questions are 1 meter. It doesn't matter what a calculation will yield...NO ONE can walk on the beam outside the support ropes safely. Even if a torque balance yields that it will not put the ropes in compression and buckle still isn't considered to be safe by OSHA if the painter is outside the ropes.
Can you identify Scaffold Grade Aluminum tubing by looking at it.?
The grade or type of Aluminum Alloy materials can not be identified visually because they are almost all the same in appearance. Normally these materials are marked with there Alloy number or designation like, 6061- T6, at certain intervals so that users can distinguish them.
I plan to have a scaffolding or industrial piercing soon, but don't know where to go.Any suggestions and could you include the prices?x
Cost depends on the studio. It ranges from 20 to 45 pounds for each piercing, most common price is 25 pounds for each piercing, high quality titanium or stainless steel jewelry included. The industrial is 2 piercings in one so : 25 + 25 = 50 pounds, jewelry included.