10Mm Solid Polycarbonate Sheet

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PC sun board life years?
10 years warranty is 10 years, light transmission rate decreased by 6%, yellow index change is less than 6. This is the plastic is not too much of the aging indicators. Means that after 10 years of good sunshine board physical mechanical properties decline is very little, basically will not affect the use of sex. Foreign pc sun panels are basically used for more than 20 years. Good pc sunshine board is not like the above answer "is to provide", rely on equipment, technology, raw materials, testing means. Generally speaking, imported equipment uv co-extruded layer thickness is more uniform, the service life will be longer.
What is the difference between sun panels and lighting panels?
Thermal expansion The thermal expansion of the lighting material directly affects the ease of construction, construction costs, and the performance of the water after the completion of the project. Therefore, the thermal expansion of the lighting material in the roof of the web plus color plates is the most important factor in design and construction. FRP thermal conductivity of 0.158w / m.k, light rate of 50% - 85%. PC thermal conductivity of 0.166w / m.k, light rate of 85% - 91%.
To build a sunshine shed, with Cortron PC patience board or good sun board?
(Also known as PC board, polycarbonate, solid board, bullet-proof glass, card blanket board, solid plate, polycarbonate board, aerial perspective board) is a high-performance engineering plastics polycarbonate or polycarbonate - --- acid processing, characteristics: impact resistance, not break: the strength of more than strengthen the glass, acrylic plate hundreds of times, tough security, security, bulletproof the best. Can be arched, can be bent: good processing, plasticity, according to the actual site needs, bending into arched, semi-circular and other styles. Light weight, easy handling: only half the weight of glass, handling and save time and effort, easy construction and easy management. Weatherability, excellent lighting: long-term anti-ultraviolet radiation, lighting effects of excellent, can save a lot of sales.
PE sun panels and PC sun panels are different
PC temperature some, much better transparency, PE is not temperature, transparency in general. PE price is about twice as low.
How much of the installation of the sun board installation of a square meter
The sun panels are mainly made of PC / PET / PMMA / PP. English is sunlight, referred to as hollow board, pc sun panels to polycarbonate as the main raw material manufacturing. Sunshine board in the mid-80s into the building materials quickly.
Can sunscreen be insulated at night? PC sunshine board insulation performance how?
Sunshine board due to the special anti-ultraviolet protective layer of hollow structure, can effectively reduce the heat loss, so there is a certain night of the role of insulation, so that greenhouse temperature to maintain a certain range of constant temperature.
What is the difference between PC stamina and PC sunboard?
In addition, the use of sun panels and endurance boards are the same in many ways, but there are also differences, such as sun panels are generally used in the stadium lighting roof, greenhouse lighting ceiling, warehouse lighting roof and so on. Stamina board is used to make shields, outdoor light boxes, advertising signs, etc. are more common. So customers in the choice of PC sun panels, PC Nai Liban or need to be based on their actual use and needs to choose.
Can the stencils be made in the bathroom?
Plate shape beautiful and beautiful, suitable for a variety of design, and maintain a certain light. PC board is ideal for rooms with bathroom cutters