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Steel windows and aluminum windows compare which is more expensive
Lighting performance: Plastic window window lighting performance than the aluminum window difference, the block of a single component shading area than the aluminum window about 10%, vision and decorative effect is poor, is not conducive to building energy saving.
Plastic doors and windows and plastic windows do not like?
Plastic doors and windows that use U-PVC plastic profiles made of doors and windows. Plastic doors and windows with wind, water, insulation and other good features. Plastic doors and windows are made of steel and steel profiles of doors and windows, steel profiles are made of plastic and steel profiles made of mixed.
What is the difference between plastic doors and windows and steel doors and windows?
PVC plastic doors and windows in the country is widely known as the steel doors and windows, plastic doors and windows is based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin as the main raw material, with a certain percentage of stabilizers, colorants, fillers, impact modifier, Absorbent (shielding agent) and other additives, the extrusion of the material.
Plastic steel window profile specifications models which
Push-pull series of models are: 75,80,88,95; flat open series models are: 60,66,70,106.
Bathroom plastic door with what material to do
The plastic material of the bathroom is PVC ? Plastic doors and windows (Plastic doors and windows), that is made of U-PVC plastic profiles made of doors and windows. Plastic doors and windows with wind, water, insulation and other good features. ? According to the material can be divided into PVC plastic doors and windows and glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) doors and windows.
How many meters of a conch plastic steel profile
You ask what is the use, to do is to open the window or push and pull, and generally 6 meters large amount of work can go to the factory to ask them how long pull
PVC plastic profiles dip in the seam, how to deal with seamless docking
Fill too much for the current market price of profiles is low, and the pattern of rising raw material prices, profile manufacturers are to reduce the cost of the article, the formal profile manufacturers through the optimal combination of formula is not to reduce the quality of the premise, Cost; some manufacturers are in reducing costs while also reducing the quality of products. As a result of the ingredients of the formula, the most direct and effective way is to increase the filler, in the PVC-U plastic profile commonly used filler for the calcium carbonate. Most of the previous formula system is to add heavy calcium, the purpose is to increase the rigidity and reduce costs, but the calcium particles because of their irregular shape and relatively thick particle size and PVC resin body compatibility is poor, so the number of its added Low, and the number of copies will increase the color and appearance of the impact. Now with the development of technology, most of the use of ultra-fine light activated calcium carbonate, and even nano-calcium carbonate, which not only play a role in increasing rigidity and filling, but also has the role of modification, but its filling is not Infinitely, the proportion should be controlled. Now some manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of calcium carbonate added to 20-50 copies, which greatly reduces the physical and mechanical properties of profiles, resulting in this chapter referred to the phenomenon of brittle profile.
China 's top ten brands of steel profiles in 2014
In the financial financial steel doors and windows is a national key high-tech enterprises, is the industry's well-known brands, the national one of the top ten brands of steel doors and windows, it has Zhejiang Zhongcai profile company production. A large multinational company headquartered in Germany. It is the international profile of the North New North new steel doors and windows is China's largest new building materials group. The company has created more than 30 years of history, it is also well-known trademarks in China. The market occupies a certain proportion.