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Pulandian Vios Auto Parts Co., Ltd. in what position
Hello, you this we do not belong to our solution, we mainly solve the user vehicle maintenance, maintenance, we will do our best to answer your questions, please forgive me!
What are the components of the car? How is the car made of?
Here too much trouble, directly with it
1. The car is made up of large parts What are the major parts of the role
Body: play the necessary components to carry the major systems and then for the car to do the integration of the necessary components. The engine, the lifting of the power for the vehicle, the power of the suspension: to support the body and steering, transmission, braking system with the work of the steering: the direction of control of the necessary vehicle system Brake: to slow down the vehicle and Parking safety system Variable speed system: the engine output power through the size of the gear with the control of the speed of the system to drive the system: the transmission from the transmission power is driven to the drive wheel on the system.
In the car 4S shop maintenance parts will not be replaced? anxious!
Hello! Rest assured it, under normal circumstances will not, because it will ruin their reputation, say 4S shop does not allow this, because 4S shop has a variety of accessories spare parts, no need to split your car things, which requires very strict, I used to work in the 4S shop!
Brake modification on the body of other parts of the big impact?
20 hours ago - then do not change the other parts of the conditions, the simple replacement of the brake can improve the number of performance? The following let ... the distribution ratio and the car before and after the weight ratio and the height of the body center of gravity.
What are the parts of the car body?
If the car is a white car body, the whole white body can be divided into lower body (engine compartment, front and rear floor), on the body (left and right side of the ceiling), four doors, front and rear fender, and Part of the car parts (assembly installation): 1, under the body parts from the main parts before and after the longitudinal beam, the front panel, ventilation hood, the channel, front and rear wheel cover, rear baffle, left and right threshold; The main parts of the body parts are left and right side of the outer plate, on the ceiling outside the board, A, B, C column, B column inside the board, left and right outside the threshold, etc .; 3, four doors cover four doors, And rear trunk lid. the above.
Car body parts how to sub-class A, D class pieces
Should be some differences in product quality, the other to nothing, the price naturally much worse,
OKorder Volkswagen joint development of body parts Co., Ltd. / OKorder An Lede Auto Parts Co., Ltd. (not OKorder Volkswagen) grass-roots level of treatment?
OKorder Volkswagen Joint Development Body Parts Co., Ltd. / OKorder Anlai De Auto Parts Co., Ltd. mainly to contract vehicle factory body welding business for the students, grassroots employees than the industry's spare parts suppliers worse, in the welding environment on the Large human injury and personal promotion space is not big. Go you regret, and young do not go in! The The