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Selection of electric heating stove
Hello, first of all to determine: you are going to electric steam boiler or electric water boiler, followed by the need to determine the calorific value, and then according to the calorific value to check the boiler model.
We have two or three years useless to warm, the annual temperature is about 23 degrees. This year is still not hunger view spy grab the silicon oblique helmion want to, do not know the ground heating facilities have no harm, need to pay attention to what? Question added: water to warm, thank you! More
Nothing to worry about, to warm the dark tube, plastic pipe are used for at least 50 years. The best water to let go.
To warm the heating furnace electricity and coal to buy more warm?
The key must be safe
What is the difference between a system furnace and a single heating furnace in a boiler
Does the gas ratio valve of the boiler be airtight
The gas proportional valve is mainly based on the current command or load demand of the main control board of the boiler, instantaneous opening, shutting off the gas source or in the air supply state, according to the different needs of heat load, current affairs to reduce or increase the gas flow A combustion system components, generally consists of two safety off valve and Fuhai Dili destroy Gao Ji Dian top hug a proportion of regulating valve composition. If the gas ratio valve fails, then it may cause the boiler to work properly. General recommended direct replacement, maintenance is relatively cumbersome, not necessarily repaired.
Electricity to warm and water to warm contrast
Before the water is warm, it is electric to warm. The first is because the gas costs continue to rise, and electricity began to appear electricity peak and trough, the second is because the water can not be closed after the warm, can not be laid single room, and now warm home warm, warm floor, According to the time, the district of different ways of the switch, power consumption is also low, so what is better and worse than the factory to determine Yao Deng witnessed super cunning, landlord should understand.
What are the heating components of the heating system design?
In the design of the design, the design of the heating system is based on the basic heat consumption and the additional (corrected) heat dissipation of the envelope. The basic heat consumption refers to the sum of the stable heat transfer from the room to the outside through the various parts of the room envelope (doors, windows, walls, floors, roofs, etc.) under design conditions. Additional (modified) heat consumption refers to the heat transfer of the envelope structure changes the basic heat consumption to correct the heat consumption. Additional (corrected) calorie consumption includes the amount of heat applied to the correction, wind addition, height addition and external door addition.
1200 square meters of villas need much electric heating stove
Three kilowatts