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can Pulling the Rug kill Jinzo?
no. forced back is the only card that can handle jinzo
I saw a rug made out of t-shirts and thought it would be fun to try. I've heard it's pretty easy but I don't know if anyone has a good website or special tricks or helpful hints. Thanks anyone that can help! Also how many t-shirt would I need for what size rug? Thanks.
You can also use the whole t-shirt and make them several layers thick, sewing them together much like a quilt and making a rug that way. But I like the texture of a woven or knitted or crocheted rug, especially when it is made of rags. How many you need depends on many things, such as the size of the rug, and how thin you cut the strips. You will need MUCH more than you think... I know! Collect as many as you can from friends and neighbours and search the second-hand shops for them as well.
It would be better to wash it half a year. You can use the vacuum cleaner to wash off the dust at usual. If the carpet is stained, you can sprinkle large grain of salt on the stains, then stains can fade away.
i have black n white curtains in my room,a dark brown bed and a pair of long-back chairs ( don't know what to call those)with a black leatherite covering.Now if somebody could please help me with the rug. What colour and type should i have?
I often use a middleweight rug if it extremely is stormy, heavy rain/hail and a chilly wind blowing. i could use a heavyweight in snow temperature. It relies upon on the pony nevertheless. I even have a Cob and he or she would not sweat in a heavyweight rug at 3-4 tiers celsius. some horses sense the warmth some do not. My sister additionally has a very bushy Cob and he or she wears a easy rug without fill in freezing situations. in case you have a horse i could advise putting on the load rug you think of your horse could desire to placed on, verify later, if the pony is sweating meaning it extremely is too heat, if he/she is chilly on the backside of the ear meaning he/she is basically too chilly and additionally you decide on something warmer. solid success.
I'm buying a New Forest on Thursday and have done some research but just want to see what your opinions are? Lady has a very thick coat on at the moment and for the time being, while I gradually get her back into work I won't clip her. Will she be ok in and out without a rug? What would you do in this situation? If and when I do clip her, what rug do you recommend? Just turn out or stable too and if so what thickness? Thanks in advance.
If she hasn't been rugged this winter I would definitely not rug her - you'll only flatten her coat and take away her ability to regulate her own temperature. Native ponies are very good at looking after themselves naked, but if she has been rugged over the last few months her coat will not be as good as it could be, it will be lacking in some oils to keep her waterproof and it won't be able to fluff up properly. It takes a whole coat cycle (ie a year) for a pony's coat to recover from being rugged unnecessarily - not a lot of people know that! - and in the meantime she'd be cold without a rug. Most of my ponies live out naked and they'll start to come back into work in the next couple of months. You have to take it slowly and not let them get sweaty, which is not easy with a pony with a full coat, but you just need to keep to walk and don't be tempted to speed things along by trotting. I wouldn't clip after the new year, the spring coat never comes in nicely if you clip too late.
My carpet is AWFUL.Even the big, top of the line cleaning machines won't get out the dirt, stains, and ground in stuff in my carpet. I cannot recarpet it, I am 15 and my parents won't let me.What takes staind out? And what about dirt? Except for where furniture used tobe the carpet has gone from white to a lightl dirty beige.Any help will be wonderful, I can try anything, thank you.
id be throwing a tantrum..old dirty carpet breeds all kinds of germs and dust mite and it unhealthy...demand they pull it up..tell then when your near it make you itchy and causes you a rash...tell them its unhygenic....if its clean enough to bear i nice big floor rug to cover the stains...
Is there any type throw rug that will not slide on a nylon rug?
Very few rugs are made with a non-skid backing. But a pad to put under the rug is very common, and should solve your problem. Any place you buy a new rug should also be able to sell you a pad to go under it. Just make sure it's a rubbery pad and not just the foam cushion that goes under wall-to-wall carpet.
very dirty small children juice spills food spills please help!!!
Get a bottle of Resolve. It really works. The Little Green Machine is good, too- for steam cleaning up kid spills. Not as expensive as the big steam cleaners and they work really well. None of those right now? Blot up as much as you can with paper towels. Put vinegar down on the spot and cover it with a wet cold cloth. Mix up a very little bit of dishwashing liquid (a few drops) in a bucket of water. Blot, scrub, press out as much water as you can. If it really won't come out, try a little bit of OxyClean stain remover, water, bucket, clean towels to blot up the extra water.