Pallet Standard Size 1.1Mx1.1M

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Decorative gypsum board partition with what the best sound insulation cotton? Mineral rock wool and glass wool.
Rock wool and glass wool on the overall performance of almost, are brittle fiber composition, need to get a better sound volume, the need for higher density materials, usually 80KG per cubic meter of use more. The price range is 40-60 yuan per square meter. This material can cause skin irritation, dust can cause respiratory irritation. So the construction should pay attention to the construction workers physical protection, the material must be completely closed to the wall inside. If it is a hole in the ceiling must not use glass wool. Construction methods are the same, directly on the keel space, outside the sealing plate.
Stairs on top of the gypsum board ceiling how to install 20KG heavy crystal lamp?
1, if you leave the position into the top of the ceiling, you can install a hanging plate in the roof of a hanging plate, in the corresponding ceiling position to dig a 5 cm or smaller point of the hole, hanging from the roof hanging a chain down, digging the hole The part can be installed with a hanging bell to cover. 2, if there is no way to ceiling, it is recommended to choose a little light, the ceiling to withstand the pressure of too much time is easy to go wrong. ???? Ceiling (prung roof), refers to the housing living environment of the top decoration. The ceiling is an important sub-division project of the building decoration project. The ceiling has the function of insulation, insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption. It is also a hidden layer of electrical, ventilation and air conditioning, communication and fire prevention, alarm pipeline equipment and so on. The ceiling in the whole room decoration occupies a very important position on the top of the room for the appropriate decoration, not only to beautify the indoor environment, but also create a colorful interior space art image. In the choice of ceiling decoration materials and design programs, to follow the two materials, solid, safe, and beautiful, practical principles.
Gypsum board ceiling installation corner must be seven-shaped
You should say is mineral wool gypsum board bar (specifications 600 × 600 or 600 × 1200), the corner must be used piece "L" type, or take the sub-bone and edge aluminum. Norms also have this requirement.
Light steel keel gypsum board wall how to fight line?
Put an end to the traditional gypsum board system without fixed point of the construction of the air, playing screw screw blind fight phenomenon, but also to ensure that the gypsum board system noise, fire and other excellent performance is not reduced due to poor construction, and completely solve the gypsum board system Due to keel, screw site construction uneven spacing caused by uneven internal stress and construction is not standardized and the quality of engineering problems.
I installed the lights on the gypsum board on the screw, not the kind of embedded lights
Installed relatively light, pull a few support lines on the lamp lock on the screw, expand the force point, you can achieve beautiful and practical function
How many gypsum boards can be done in one day
We know that the current wage has been rising, on the security package gypsum board ceiling of the artificial price, we know that the flat top 20, and then count the wages of 200, then the woodworking at least a day to hang a dozen square " wrong?
Will the brick wall and beam column cracks, cracks between the board, gypsum board cracks how to deal with
You describe these cracks, are fundamentally by the different materials in the temperature, humidity under the influence of physical changes, and now solve these problems are late with a ductile material remediation, like the wall and the ceiling of the corners of the case , To do that is the above method.
Home decoration ceiling with waterproof gypsum board or fire gypsum board is good
Home ceiling with gypsum board on the line. The other is wasted, unless you have more money and no place to spend.