Limitations Of Solar Cells

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No, solar panels do not necessarily require a battery for storage. While batteries can be used to store excess energy produced by solar panels for later use, it is not a mandatory component. Solar panels can also be directly connected to the electrical grid, allowing the excess energy to be fed back into the grid and credited to the owner.
what parts and tool do i need to build and connect a solar electric panel to my home
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I know what they do and how they work, but at this point they're expensive, don't always produce enough electricity as needed, and can't be used when there's no sun, as in half the day. Wouldn't wind power seem so more efficient? Or if they do use solar panels, how about putting them in the desert. But I really believe that research money should go to fusion generators since that's the future and the answer to our problems. Which is best in your opinion?
i think that they are effective, even tho they cost heaps to get installed, i think that they are worth it. They dont require any effort to operate and use natural sunlight that turns into energy that people use everyday. they may be an eye sore but think of how much they are helping the earth and they are a great alternitave to fossil fuels (which are running out anyway), the only problem that i think they would have would be in winter when there isnt much sun on a few days. but other than that they are great
Also, what's the solar panel's rate of producing electricity?
Solar panels are not nearly as energy productive as natural gas. Case in point how many natural gas fired calculators do you have on your desk? or how many solar fired fireplaces do you know of? Solar panels are a great complement to natural gas/fossil fuel burning sources of fuel though. The more energy you consume from renewable sources of energy (i.e solar, wind, etc) the less you are consuming from non-renewable sources such as natural gas. Solar panel's rate of producing electricity depends on many different variables. Are the panels in direct sunlight? (with no trees or shrubs blocking the panels) There are panels out there made by Kyocera for example that are 85 watts, 65 watts, 50 watts. You should talk with a Professional about this. Look into Sun Electronics as I know that their website has a solar calculator and other helpful tools for interested parties. Good Luck
I thought they were going to make solar powered cars and solar power plants among other things. It was only nearly 0 years ago that solar power was the big thing. Just curious, why did it die out?
I saw a commercial the other night for a fan you hook onto the top of your car window, and it's solar-powered. (supposedly cools off your car while opposed to just cracking the windows some). Also, I've seen traffic lights and emergency beacons on the highway powered by solar panels.
in the afternoon sun heat increases to high level due to which the panels heats up very high now my question is this heat will effect the panels life time and will damage the panels or not ??
Most experts believe solar electric modules have a lifespan of at least 25 to 30 years and most manufacturers provide a warranty for this period. However, the truth is that we don't really know for sure since most modern solar panels have not been in existence that long. Many experts believe the actual number could be much higher, possibly as much as 50 years. What is very clear is that solar modules are extremely durable and lose very little of their energy generating capacity over time. From:
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a research facility or laboratory. Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable source of power that can provide electricity to such facilities. By installing solar panels, the research facility can reduce its dependence on traditional energy sources, lower its carbon footprint, and potentially save on energy costs in the long run.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a mining operation. Solar energy can be harnessed to generate electricity, which can then be used to power various mining equipment and processes. However, the feasibility of utilizing solar panels for a mining operation depends on factors such as the size of the operation, energy requirements, sunlight availability, and cost considerations.