Evolution Of Solar Cells

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Aren't batteries bad for the environment?Toxic?Expensive? With small solar panels phones, iPod's, laptops other small electronics could be smaller, slimmer, more efficient cost people less to charge every day. Maybe a small battery inside as a backup and to store the Solar energy for night time. But overall, batteries should be optional. So big question:Why aren't electronics being produced with solar panels?
Cost and and it would be inconvenient to the consumer in this Gotta have instant gratification society. take the amount of money you paid for your MP3 player- double it- would you still have bought it at that price? That IS what happens when you add in a 2 to 0 dollar component. Besides- the energy required for most items you cite- a solar panel makes it not portable. While you might be able to arbittrarily decide to go without an MP3 player for 24 hours, could you do it for a week? How about your cell phone? It uses more power- so go without it for 2 weeks. You still need batteries to be charged by solar panels due to one major flaw of solar panels- they do not work in the dark. So in effect all you are really doing is weighing the device down with a solar panel, and you still have not gotten away from a need for a battery. I don't know about you, but I have an MP3 player about the diameter of a 50 cent piece- where are you going to put the solar panel??? It will not have enough power to operate the device, and marginal at best for charginthe battery which would take hours instead of the minutes it takes connected to a USB port.
Interested to know if it is possible to install Solar Panels to run my Jacuzzi?Don't want to do the whole house just the jacuzzi anybody have any ideas Thanks
You can do this by isolating the jacuzzi, you will need a solar array adequate for the power draw of the jacuzzi, a charge controller, battery bank, off-grid inverter and switch gear. This is the expensive way to go--especially if you are planning to heat the water with the solar. A better option would be to heat the jacuzzi with solar thermal panels. It is plumbing instead of electrical, but the cost would be much less. If you still want to do PV (electric) solar, think about putting a non-isolated grid-tie solar array on your home. They are much cheaper, and if you think about it, it really does not matter if you use the solar electricity to run a light, a fridge, a TV, or a Jacuzzi, that amount of power is subtracted from your overall house power bill. Just size the array for the power output of the jacuzzi, and let the power meter do the rest. Your overall result will be the same and the system will be half the price, or less.
What's the best deal going on companies leasing out Solar Panels in California?
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My electric bill per month averages 800 kWh per month. I am looking at 65W solar panels. How many panels would I need to make my bill come to zero? I realize I also need an inverter to convert dc to ac.
It depends very much on where you live. If you live in Nevada, Arizona or California solar panels might be a good idea. If you live in Canada don?t expect to get your bill to zero... 800 kwh/month means an average consumption rate of about 2500 watts. 6 panels would cover that. But your energy consumption isn?t cosntant and nor is your energy production from the solarpanels. If you go off to work during the day when your panels produce the most then you probably produce excess electricity. Check with your utility if it is possible for you to sell off that electricity by putting it on the grid. Then you buy back electricity when you?re watching tv and surf the web at night. You loose money and electricity like this (or by using batteries as suggested above) so I would underdimension my solarpanel capacity. It makes sense if it is cheaper to just buy electricity at night. The retailer and the manufacturer should have charts showing how much their 65 watt panels really produce at different times of the day and the year for your location. Oh, and I?m sure there are ways in which you could reduce your electricity consumption. Smart lights, energy efficient lights are easy ways.
I got an 8v solar panel for a project today, the only problem is that it came without any wires attached to it. Now i don't know what type of wires i should use and if i should solder them on or if i should use epoxy instead. Can anybody help me out?
6 gauge wire would be a good size. Just solder it on and run it wherever you want.
Solar panels can have both positive and negative effects on the power grid. On the positive side, when solar panels produce excess electricity, it can be fed back into the grid, increasing the overall supply of electricity. This can help reduce the demand on traditional power plants and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. However, the intermittent nature of solar power can also introduce challenges to the grid, as it can cause fluctuations in electricity supply. To mitigate this, grid operators need to carefully manage and balance the overall energy mix to ensure a stable and reliable power supply.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on data centers or IT facilities. In fact, many data centers and IT facilities are increasingly adopting solar energy as a sustainable and cost-effective power source. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops or in open areas surrounding the facility to generate clean electricity and reduce their reliance on traditional grid power.
I been considering to get a solar panel system but I don't know if I'm going cut my electric bill every month , It's a lot of money to spend and I'm not really sure
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