Cost Of Solar Cells

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I have in mind a small solar panel that could be plugged into a wall socket. Do I need a converter or some kind of interference between the two power sources so there aren't any unpleasant explosions? I don't know much about this sort of thing so please be nice.
You're quite right that the solar panel can't be directly connected. I sense that you want to start small, but unfortunately, it's hard enough to make a system with a dozen or more panels pay back. (It can, we have a system...) But with just one panel, maybe a small one, the economy of scale is gone. You need to buy a grid-tie inverter, which watt-for-watt will be more expensive than a regular size one, and for a small panel, the $$/watt value will be poor. There are some [illegal in most places] tiny grid-tie inverters that I see advertised on the web from time to time, with an ordinary plug that goes into the wall. Those are generally against electrical codes, and the danger is real. There is also a crop of micro-inverters being sold by companies such as Enphase. These are legitimate products, but will still be costly per watt, and ultimately, it will be hard to have a net savings over time with just one panel. Have you already taken the conservation steps like LED light bulbs, efficient appliances (especially refrigerator), insulation, and using a power strip to turn off loads that are not being used? That stuff isn't sexy, but saves money fast.
Also, what's the solar panel's rate of producing electricity?
Solar panels really can't compete with fossil fuels of any kind. They're great for low power consumption applications, but I doubt we'll ever see solar powered steel refineries or heavy manufacturing plants. A solar panel that produces 75 watts is about 62 x 33 (5 feet by almost 3 feet). 75 watts is enough to power a couple light bulbs; you'd certainly never cook anything on it. On the other hand consider how much heat and light is produced by a small natural gas fireplace or stove burner. It would take a lot of those 5 foot long solar panels to equal that.
If you need 9400 watts, 75 amps@ 240V, how many solar PV panels do you need?
75 amps @ 240 volts equals 8 kW not 9.4 kW, so first you have to make up your mind how much you want. Then you have to decide what size of solar panel you want. If it helps, the 6 units on our roof, each approximately m square, are rated for 4 kW in bright sunshine.
Heard you can put solar panels on laptops Anyone know if it can work on a Dell mini 0v? I've seen he USB slot solar pana but can someone tell me where to gt these?
That strikes me as completely impractical for most circumstances. The power output of your mains adapter is 30W and to do that you are looking at at least five or six square feet of solar panels costing in the region of $600 even from a surplus supplier I know. You could do it cheaper (maybe $50 on panels) but then you would be looking a more primitive panels and need perhaps thirty square feet of solar panels. This is a completely different exercise to creating a solar powered USB charger - the power requirement is a lot higher. Astronomy and space?
Yes, solar panels can be connected to the grid.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power an entire office building. With proper planning and installation, a sufficient number of solar panels can generate enough electricity to meet the energy needs of an office building throughout the day. This can significantly reduce or even eliminate the reliance on traditional energy sources, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.
Yes, solar panels can be used for heating swimming pools. Solar thermal panels, specifically designed for pool heating, capture the sun's energy and transfer it to the pool water, increasing its temperature. This renewable and eco-friendly method is a popular choice for pool owners looking to save on energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint.
Yes, solar panels can be used in areas with high levels of chemical pollutants. While it is true that pollutants can potentially affect the efficiency and performance of solar panels, proper maintenance and cleaning can mitigate these effects. Additionally, advancements in solar panel technology have made them more resilient to environmental factors, including chemical pollutants.