Efficiency Of Solar Cells

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I know what they do and how they work, but at this point they're expensive, don't always produce enough electricity as needed, and can't be used when there's no sun, as in half the day. Wouldn't wind power seem so more efficient? Or if they do use solar panels, how about putting them in the desert. But I really believe that research money should go to fusion generators since that's the future and the answer to our problems. Which is best in your opinion?
There is not a yes or no answer. But for the majority of the population it is a definite no. Because the energy needed to make a solar panel is more than the energy that a solar panel can return in its life time. so No for cities and urbanized areas because there is already existing infrastructure therefore you'll be wasting more energy getting them installed. And it is better and more efficient to have the more common energy sources for populated areas. However that being said it would be more efficient if you live in a remote area as it would not be worth it to build a huge electricity grid just to power one small house in the middle of no where.
Where can I find the info (sites) that clearly gives the anatomy of a solar panel?Likewise, I want to know where can I find (sites) the solar panel that produces 3.75 v? Thank you very much!!!
You've probably seen calculators that have solar cells -- calculators that never need batteries, and in some cases don't even have an off button. As long as you have enough light, they seem to work forever. You may have seen larger solar panels -- on emergency road signs or call boxes, on buoys, even in parking lots to power lights. Although these larger panels aren't as common as solar powered calculators, they're out there, and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. There are solar cell arrays on satellites, where they are used to power the electrical systems. You have probably also been hearing about the solar revolution for the last 20 years -- the idea that one day we will all use free electricity from the sun. This is a seductive promise: On a bright, sunny day, the sun shines approximately ,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planet's surface, and if we could collect all of that energy we could easily power our homes and offices for free.
The amount of energy solar panels can produce depends on various factors such as the size and efficiency of the panels, the location and climate, and the amount of sunlight available. On average, a typical residential solar panel system can generate anywhere from 4,000 to 8,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. However, larger commercial or utility-scale solar installations can produce significantly more energy, potentially reaching several megawatts of power.
i check the diodes in the backside of solar panels it reads out to be 0.433 each give me the same result but i was amazed when i check out the last two one which on clamp meter screen give me ''0L'' what this means? is that diode have malfunctions??is this reasons that the output of solar has been decreased?
First of all, make sure that you are taking readings in the dark (with the solar panel indoors and covered). 0.433 is a reasonable forward voltage for a Schottky diode. Ideally, it diode should read open one way (possibly OL for your meter), and 0.4 the other way. If it's reading OL both ways, the diode is bad. You can either unsolder it or cut it out and verify that it is bad.
I wanna get a solar panel to charge or 2 car batteries. Then connect the battery to a 800watt power inverter so that I can power a tv. Will the 8watt solar panel charge my batteries and around in how long?I just wanna use the panel to charge the batteries, no to use the panel directly with my electronics. Thanks for your answer and help me with that.
welcome to the wonderfull world of solar! you probably have a 2Vdc 8 Watt solar panel, to figure out its charging amps capability we do this equation Watts/Volts=Amps 8watts/2Vdc=.5Amps this is a conservative figure, since solar panel ratings are calculated using winter time sunlight, sunny locations and more daytime hours will give you higher amps. a typical good condition car battery is rated at 40Ah (Amp hours).to find out the charge time, we use the following formula; Amp Hours/Amps=T where T is time in hours 40Ah/.5A=26hours this is charge for a single battery, two batteries will double to over 52 hours. lets compare to charging a battery with your car, a car alternator puts out about 60 amps but usually run about half capacity. 40Ah/30amps=.3Hours! An alternator is far more efficient so charging with a small solar panel is best as an alternative or for low power applications. As far as using an inverter to power a TV, we can calculate how long the battery will last by using the original formula. a typical 9tv will use 70 watts 70watts/2Vdc=5.8A 40Ah/5.8A=6.9hours this figure is by drawing all the power from the battery, voltage inverters have a safety feature that will not let you discharge your battery all the way, so 40Ah battery will power a 9 tv for about 4.5 to 5 hours.
Dear Friends, I am very much worried about Global warming, So to contribute something for reducing Global Warming I have decided to use Solar Panels. Can anybody tell me what is the price of these Solar Panels and why people are not using them when they are environment friendly. What are the Pros and Cons of these Solar Panels?
In the US and western Europe, the average cost to install a solar system.....panels, wire, battery bank inverters and all of that is $5 ( five) US a watt. ( One panel, 2 x 3 feet putting out 75 Watts costs $700-800 US ) Mos American homes use about 000 kilo Watt hours of electricity a month.. oking, heating, cooling, refrigeration, water lights and all that. that is 2,000 kilowatts a year. A solar panel system would therefore cost $60,000 US to install. That is WAY beyond almost everyone's means, which is why the US and Europe is not covered in solar panels. There is also the amount of sunlight per day and the height of the sun in the sky. There is a formula to figure out how much usable sunlight a day you get; the further north the less......and that number averages out to about 5 hours a day year round. So back to the 000 kW a month.......30 + kWh a day.......in 5 hours a day you have to generate 6,000 watts .... divide by 75 watts a panel = 35 panels x 75.00 per = 25,000 $ US plus wiring, batteries and all that........
What is the principle and structure of solar panels?
Solar power generation system consists of solar cells, solar controllers, batteries (group) composition. If the output power is AC 220V or 110V, also need to configure the inverter. The role of each part is
I was thinking about getting some GE Solar Panels and on there website that I am on, I didn't really see a price. can anybody give me maybe an estimate on how much each one would cost? thanks
I know someone that paid $600 a panel. I am not sure what kind or size, sorry.