King Size Platform Bed

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This bed moves up and down on the wall, and ive been searching all over for what it is called, because i really want it but i cant find it.
It's an elevator bed. There are various kinds.
I've been seeing these tiny bugs that look like bed bugs, and it's been about two days since I started spotting them. I've seen about 3, but I'm not sure if they are bed bugs, because when I wake up, I don't see any bites on me or anything. Please help, and tell me what they are!
it doesnt matter if they are bed bugs or you really want to sleep in a bed with wildlife in it? i would change my entire bedding just to be on the safe side, it is super expensive to get rid of bed bugs so i would try to nip it in the bud and try to disinfect all that i possibly could.
Hi.. I am moving I wanted a beach style themed room I need nice quality bedding anywhere from 400-2,000 Please list at least 6 :) Thanks!
they're not as expensive as you asked but are nice quality and have beautiful designs Hoped this helped
im going to redo my room and im getting a new bed, i found a loft bed and a regular bed, im 10 and for my 11th birthdy im redoing my room and i get to pick but idk!!!!! plz help!
Loft okorder /... Here's a cool loft bed from PBTEEN. Also check out their bedding.
i want a original looking water bed like from the 80s with the fram around it where can i buy this? i cant find it anywhere?
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Are there any besides newspaper? Or new ways to make newspaper bedding?Thanks :D
Do NOT use wood shavings unless you are sure they're aspen. Other types of shavings can be harmful to a rats lungs. Also, I don't suggest using straw. If the rats are playing around and one of them turns around, they could stab their eye on a stiff piece of straw. It also doesn't seem like it would do much absorbing either.
what is the best place to buy cool bedding for a teeager???
Try okorder These places have bedding that is SPECIFICALLY geared toward teens, girls in particular.
What's the price of a bed in an apartment bed?
This Baiduo Zhuo the function of students' apartment bed in the university is very popular, the multifunctional apartment bed is a selection of high-quality seamless steel tube, carbon dioxide arc welding, welding seam smooth and firm. And more functions, the above can sleep, you can study below. The market price is about one thousand and eight hundred yuan.