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I don't have a balloon for a project i am doing in historyMy group and I are making a head of Thomas Jefferson out of paper mache and i don't have a balloon for my structure to build onWhat else can I use?
What do you consider bad? Is it getting moldy, dry, or is there an ammonia or bleach like smell to it? Cheese is almost like a living and breathing organism it needs to be kept within certain temperature and moisture levels to lastMold is normal and can just be cut away, drying out means just that, but if your cheese begins to smell like ammonia or bleach then it's time to throw it outIn the refridgerator the best way to keep cheese is wrapped in wax paper and then in plastic wrap instead of just plastic wrapThis gives it a chance to breath and won't keep in too much moistureDryer cheeses like your parmigiano reggiano can be kept in the refridgerator for up to a year.
The edges on my pie crusts keep getting brown or overly browned when I bake my pies.I even use a pie ring (a metal ring that sits around the edges of the pie, which is supposed to prevent over-browning) And, I have also tried putting aluminum foil around the edges of the pie(Which is basically the same thing as using the pie ring.)But, for some reason, the edges of my pies keep coming out a little too brown.Anyone have any other suggestions on how to keep this from happening?Thanks in advance.
I always have success with aluminum foilIs your oven tempa little hotter than you think? If it's running a few degrees hotter than it should that would cause your crusts to get too brown on the edgesAt any store that carries kitchen stuff you can buy a thermometer for your oven and check to see if it's running hotter than it should (there are such variables in ovens; hot spots, temp variances, etc.)I know that my oven runs pretty true to the dial, but I also know I have to turn my pies, pizzas, cakes, etc., because there are hot spots in my oven and if I want an even bake on these items, I have to turn the pan about halfway thru the cooking processHope this helps! :)
Alright, my little cousins, who are 5 and 7, are coming over in two days and we're going to have a sleepover where we set up a tent and sleep in the backyardIt's illegal to have fire pits in my neighborhood, so instead we are using a chiminea ( a mini outdoor, portable fireplace ) to sit around and cook marshmallows and stuffMost of the campfire stories I know are scary, and most the activities I know involve more than two or three peopleWhat sort of things should I do with my little cousins to keep them entertained and make it a sleepover they won't forget? I am not really looking for sites that can give me ideas since I have already looked through most of themNow I want opinions from people on what to doIt can be food, songs, games, whatever, everything is appreciatedThank you!
Have a backyard obstacle coursePlay music on a portable radio and danceGrilled Nachos - For each guest, place a handful of tortilla chips in the center of a sheet of aluminum foilHave kids add their choice of pinto or black beans, diced tomatoes, avocado, black-olive slices, salsa, and grated cheddarFold in the corners of the foil to create a pouch; place on the edges of the grill for 10 minutes, or until cheese has meltedFlashlight Finders- Hide a prize, like a plastic bag filled with the makings of s'mores, in your yard, and challenge the kids to find itNo luck? Help them along by saying It's getting lighter when they near the loot, and It's getting darker when they move awayteach them the song: The more we get together, together, together, the more we get together, the happier we'll be'Cause your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends, the more we get together the happier we'll be! Have the kids make up stories about ghosts and then make some up toosilly not scary stories.
Chisholm Trail Swiss Steak (Round Steak with diced tomatoe, green pepper, onion, garlic, beef broth, soy sauce cooked in a dutch oven), Baked Potatoes with fixings, andwhat else?
1.) A 2.) A 3.) A 4.) B 5.) B
here are some things to remeber!The project will consist of developing a boat from any material(s)The boat must be a 12 cm (+ or - 0.5 cm) long and 6 cm (+ or - 0.5 cm) wide at the widest pointcould use plastic straws, wooden splints, aluminum foil, coated paper, etc.Final score will be determined based upon success of the boat in the capacity and speed categories and completion of paperModel boat kits are not allowed.Two competitions will involve the boatsThe winner of the cargo (buoyancy) competion will be determined by which boat will support the most mass (pennies) without taking on water (flowing over the sides) or touching the bottom The other competion will involve sailboats by blowing it with a fan and using glass stiring rods to keep it in the right direction.there will be 10 pennies on board while sailingThanks Float Date: Monday May 4Race Day Tuesday May 5
get a bar of soap brand name Ivory (it floats) cut it down to specifications get two Popsicle sticksadd one to another with super glue,shortening it only two inches, install it in the middle of the soap, make a sail out of thin cardboard and put a curve in it and install it top to bottom of the Popsicle sticks
Help me out!!! I can't decideIm in the 10th grade, i like to fiddle with things such as engines and stuff, i like to play sports, and dont want to be totally bored during this projectHelp research day is tomorrow! Please dont speak of explosion type experiments, because I asked my teacher if i could do aluminum foil and toilet bowl cleaner and she said i had to have an explosion specialist present??!?!?! So now, i have to get a topic.quickThanks a bunch.
ew ok gross first of all i hate science fair and im so glad i dont have to do it anymore well i used to do projects under physical or lifethose are always pretty easy and SOMETIMESS interesting.
I have a lot of soda tabs and want to donate them to a military charity.
you can cook the chicken breasts, set aside, meanwhile get the broth and carrots and peas, (Do you have onions?) cooking in a pot add spices and even tomatoe juice if you have that and simmer cut the chicken into bite size and add it to the broth either add the rice in the end or if you have pasta you can try that tooSave the ground beef and mashed taters for another mealHope I at least gave you an idea! add garlic to eveything it won't hurt!
I am okay with people going green and stuff i just would like to know.Even i would like to go green.Please and Thankyou!!
It is almost impossible to go green in ways to help the environmentCompanies use aluminum cans (where I live there is no recycling available)Products are packaged in cardboard with plastic coveringsFood comes in boxes twice the size of the productsTires along the interstates can lay for monthsTake out in styrofoamHow do you recycle or dispose of disposable diapers? I don't think the people should be made responsible for the manufacturers insane packagingAlbeit, the population is being held accountable for how to dispose of properlyWe need to package it all up and send the packaging (COD) and let them dispose of itSame with junk mail.tons of itI am a sensible recycler but know my limits.