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Im only bringing it up because these 2 recently split. Its pretty odd dont you think if God created everything and homosexuality is a sin, how could 2 penguins (who by the bibles standards) are not capable of choosing these situations.
Are people not reading the article...? That is, they entwine their necks, they vocalize to each other, they have sex. Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins. Focus on the part that says they have sex. That, to me, would signal that they have gay sex. Yet some say it is not sex? It is only friendship? Damn, some Christians have interesting friendships, I guess.
About the Simpson's family living in Springfield :D
places to scuba dive in texas?
I like this But what do you think of this short video
I love it's adorable, I hated the decor but the whole concept is cute. I love the shipping container houses.. I watched a show about a particular one, but gave you a link to something about some other ones that are very cool.
Joey has 3 silos. The large silo has a diameter of 24. The smallest silo has a diameter 1/3 of the largest sil?
3 silos. We are told that there are: Large, Smallest and Largest. We are also told how big the Large one is (d = 24) but only that the diameter of the Largest is 3 times the Smallest. Clearly, the Large one is actually the middle sized silo.
Where / how can i see a ICBM Silo ?
The only thing that shows up on a google search is the Titan Missile Museum near Tucson
Kindly share with me the step-by-step process on how to make a 3D model of the nuclear power plant Silo, and if you also have the steps on how to make a 3D model of a nuclear reactor, I'd be very thankful. by the way, I'm using AutoCad 2011. thank you.
I don't have ACad in front of me but in general what I would do is draw the cross section of the side wall of the silo. Rotate this object for 360 deg. around a vertical axis that is one radius away from the cross section. This should generate a 3D silo. I realize my description is sketchy but it is the best I can do and when you get stuck then use the help system and experiment until you get it. I hope this helps.
I found this in the woods and it's pretty old. It has a concrete bottom and the roof is cone shaped. Its metal and has a door. The roof broke in a few places and its pretty rusty. On the door its very faint but i could make out EVER - NORMAN GRANARYand there was something tiny underneath that i couldn't make out. Its about 7-9 feet tall. I looked it up but couldn't find other people who have one. I found some old farm that used them. Anyone know what this is or where it came from? Not sure if this has anything to do with it but 20 feet away is an old barbed wired fence that pretty much gone and behind that is a big cage also about 7-9 ft tall with two small doors but that i can get into. It has no top
sounds like a feeder or a mini silo