Flange Plate Connection

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Which is the same diameter flange and flange lid?What's the diameter of the third floor?.
Is mainly to see the material, the flange is a flange ring, is a piece of board, materials must be the same material as the cover flange, flange cover flange is expensive, but sometimes very high machining accuracy, material requirements are high, basically belongs to the blind flange cover plate, material requirement is not too strict, it should be the price point
What do you mean by flange 2''3'' 4''?
It should be the nominal size of the English flange. Nominal diameter is 2, "3" and "4"".
Flange WN50-25 what do you mean?
WN indicates that the weld flange 50 is DN, 25 is the pressure 25 kg, and the pressure may be 250 kg. The pressure depends on what standard he performs
What type of flange does the 159*6 pipe fit with?
4.5MM wall thickness +150 internal diameter, so with 150 flanges
SolidWorks assembly problem (the second holes on the flange can not fit coaxially)
The reason why the assembly can not be: 1, two parts of the hole size is different; 2 painted holes in the careless point, so there is a deviation position.
What is the difference between the HG/T20615-2009 flange standard and the ASME B16.5 flange standard?
ASME B16.5 has 7 series.HG/T20615-2009 is the 6 series, and Class400 is not included.Rounding up some values.
Does anyone know whether oil, gas, metal pipe flanges need cross wiring? Function? On the basis of what?
4 and below flanges need to be bridged. In order to guide the static electricity.
In the pipe installation, the three way, the elbow, the big head and the flange do not need the quota?
Clamp, three links, four links, elbow, reducer can be directly fixed in the pipeline inside the material content. Three pass, four pass, elbow, big head need not coat quota. Above DN100 shall be also included in the wood, do not need another coat of quota. As a result of different standards throughout the country, the key is whether the set of fixed pipe installation includes pipe fittings, first look at the specifications, engineering calculation rules, and then set the quota, there will be no duplication of calculations and omissions.Method of setting quotas:1.. What project quantity sets what quota, find the amount of project quota that you need first.2. understand the base price. The price is fixed in artificial materials machinery (+ +, it is note that units) are now consumption quota, consumption is the loss of quota book has made it clear that each of the different material loss, this loss is fixed price price * material.3. price conversion. If the artificial, material, machinery in a price change will require a change to the original conversion price, the price deducted from the price, then the changes added to form a new price.