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I pressed a flower once, and it didn't work well, so I wanted to ask this time how to do it properly. I hear that wax paper works well, but since I have none, will plastic wrap work? What other good substitutes are there, about how much weight does a single rose need, and how long should I press it for? Thanks!
I don't think it will work because instead of allowing the flower to dry, it will keep the moisture trapped around the flower. You'll end up with a moldy flower. I've always just placed the flower to be dried between two pieces of paper and them weighted it down with heavy books. It works great.
what are some good supplements or tips for maxing out on bench. and dont say im too young for supplements either! im a 15, 5'9 and 170 lb middle linebacker/fullback. i can leg press about 550 and can only bench like 120 if that?! please help me!
Don't worry about it...your only 15...just keep reping.....i went from 95 to 200 pounds on bench my freshman year... i was about 6'0 and 160 pounds then
Been offered them, but just want to double check you're never expected to pay?!
Yes they are for PRESS, representatives of the press.
Not so long ago, the press was highly deferential to those in high office. For example, President Kennedy had numerous affairs, and the press knew about them, but did not report them to the public. Queen Mary, the grandmother of the present Queen, smoked cigarettes and died of lung cancer, but when she died, the cause of death was reported to be gastric problems. While most people knew that Franklin Roosevelt was crippled by polio, the press, most of the time, refrained from taking pictures of his withered legs.Then, all of a sudden, the press turns around. The Pentagon Papers are published. Princess Diana is hounded mercilessly. Walter Cronkite, who was the male equivalent to Jane Fonda, goes to Vietnam, misinterprets the results of the Tet offensive, and demoralizes the American people, thereby giving great aid and comfort to our enemy, North Vietnam. Oh, and don't forget Watergate, when the press hounded Nixon out of office.So what happened? When, where, and why did the press change like that?
It's the job of the Press to report the truth. Doing so is not traitorous; if the Press is just going to cover up or ignore the failings of the rich, powerful,and famous, we may as well have let USSR win the Cold War.
people are always saying that and it makes no sense, i think that you should say sign an affidavit or file charges someone explain to me how to press a charge
Press a charge, press charges, means to sign a complaint so the individual can be arrested.
i pressed my mac pigments and let them dry over night, now do i actually have to take a quarter and press each one? whats the point of that? im scared to touch them i dont know if theyre dry yet or not
Q: Does dry firing actual harm a gun? A: If the gun is a Sterling kind .22LR pocket-sized pistol, then particular! Dry-firing will harm the firing pin (i.e. the pin will smash in a million/2). I talk from adventure. some handguns, fairly older designs, at the instant are not made to proceed to exist dry-firing. fortuitously, there are agencies that marketplace snap-caps or dummy cartridges meant for prepare and education drills that contain non-firing ammunition. once you're doubtful, seek for suggestion from the firearm proprietor's instruction manual. once you're nevertheless doubtful, touch the producer. in case you at the instant cannot get a passable answer, then this is prudent to stay clear of dry-firing the firearm in question.
how long should i press my flowers for? until they are fully dry? and after that i was thinking about laminating them and saving them... would that be a good idea? cus i dont want it to rot inside the lamination...
In the past I have just placed in the petals in the pages of a large and heavy book. Close the book and leave the petals in there. The paper helps absorb the moisture and the pressure helps flatten the petals.
i have just got done writing a book on how to lose up to 36 inch's in under 2 weeks with a secret bodywrap recipe that i have developed and a detox program that my personal training clients love, does anyone know how to write an effective press release. i would be willing to trade a copy of my book for a great press release.
Google sample press release and you will be amazed at the number of websites offering excellent tips. One important tip: keep it very factual. No hype, or the editor will just toss your press release into the wastebasket. If you are going to make such a strong claim, be sure to back it up with facts. How many people have lost weight/inches this way, etc. I just wrote a news release for a terrific pet product that a well-known dog breeder had developed. She has the pedigree to make her claims believable, and a list of supportive testimonials as long as your arm. Good luck to you.