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If the car is a white car body, the whole white body can be divided into lower body (engine compartment, front and rear floor), on the body (left and right side of the ceiling), four doors, front and rear fender, and Part of the car parts (assembly installation): 1, under the body parts from the main parts before and after the longitudinal beam, the front panel, ventilation hood, the channel, front and rear wheel cover, rear baffle, left and right threshold; The main parts of the body parts are left and right side of the outer plate, on the ceiling outside the board, A, B, C column lazy rough stove when the stubble of the Yangtze River, B column inside the board, about the outside threshold, The cover consists of four doors, a front hatch and a rear trunk lid. the above.
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Xidan near where there is a cheap rental about 500...
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Looking for sale or online to buy a direct access to accessories
Nature flooring plate beans plus keel sticks foot line how many squares
320 or so, sticking line twitching burning incandescent gambling cashier fortune 20 yuan +50 yuan + plate bean floor 250 yuan, the store price concessions are different, so only one probably, for reference only.
Heroes Union, how to do the mouse has been a little soldier near the floor, the hero has been a soldier
Press the altA to automatically attack the nearest thing
Ladies, annex, three pictures of a floor, you know what kind of wood floor wood, ah, Jiqiu.
It is hard to tell the wood species. Floor wood, as the same paint a lot of different effects. This floor should be three layers of solid wood flooring, each gripper Chi continued frivolous petrock touch layer of wood is not the same, the surface is hardwood.
What is the structure of the bumper car?
The building of the bumper car is divided into two parts: A drive steering part. The patented bumper car chassis combines the drive and steering of the vehicle together. When the motor rotates, it drives the driving wheel that is fixed on the drive shaft to generate the driving force. The wandering creatures of the longan are used to realize the forward and backward of the bumper car. Driven motor is integrated motor, high efficiency power output, low energy consumption, durable, low failure rate; drive assembly integrated design, the motor, drive shaft, drive wheel, bearing a high degree of concentration, simplifying the Structure, to enhance the effectiveness and reduce the failure. The steering mechanism is connected with the bracket of the drive mechanism. By rotating the steering wheel to drive the two-stage pulley group, the drive wheel can realize the gentle synchronous rotation and realize the turning of the bumper car. As the steering angle reaches 300 degrees, the bumper car can realize the rotation and the original To turn around, thus greatly reducing the vehicle on the use of the site area requirements. B frame driven part. The frame and the driven part provide a balance between the fixed and running of the bumper car, providing support for the roll of the vehicle at high speeds and with the steering system to achieve perfect handling. Please adopt, thank you!
Winter heating next to the wooden floor tiles is how the drum up
It should be too dry. The The