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What goes well with my pink curtains..??the shade of my curtains kind of looks like this.
Well im painting my room Chocolate Brown. On one of the Chocolate brown walls in putting Hott pink, light pink, and white polka dots (in various sizes). I found a reversable hott pink and light pink for my comforter. Im gonna but brown pillows (that have designs on them) on my bed to bring in the brown. gonna get a light pink rug and a pink chair. Im also putting a huge D (FOR MY NAME BUT U WOULD USE UR FIRST LETTER OF UR NAME) (in white) on a wall between my 2 closets in fancy writting. Thats what im doing with my room. Maybe it'll work for you too.
What are the main sealants used for curtain walls?
Building curtain wall in the use of plastic are the following: 1, neutral silicone sealant - mainly used for hidden glass curtain wall glass plate and aluminum frame with the use; 2, neutral silicone weather sealant - mainly used for a variety of curtain wall plug seal, which can not be used for structural parts of the force; 3, neutral glass glue - generally used in all glass curtain wall; 4, butyl rubber - for insulating glass; 5, polysulfide glue - for insulating glass (Ming box glass curtain wall or doors and windows; The rest there are some, not often used.
The part above my window where my curtains should hang is solid textured brick...My drill cant break through it. I thought about getting a more powerful drill but i dont want to damage the appearence. Is there a different way for me to mount them?
depending on the weight of the rod and fabric? and the amount of brackets? you may be able to get a few blocks of 1 inch thick wood and secure them to the brick using Liquid nails...let dry then secure the brackets to the wood small pine blocks may split when screwing the screw in... the bigger the block the less chance of splitting..if its a long curtain rod add a bracket in the middle
Stone curtain wall less than 30 meters need to do lightning protection
Which S B said to do, wrong children. Do not understand nor check the norms. Upstairs clearly tell you more than 30 to do. If it is a mountain, then you consider the safety to do. 30 meters to do the following is basically scolded material.
What tests do you need to do with the fire sealant review between the curtain walls? Know please tell us Thank you!
Compatibility test, fire test two projects on it.
Hi everyone,I need to find curtain rods for one of my walls. Basically, the entire wall is a window (sliding glass doors). So this means that I cannot mount curtain rods using the traditional hardware because there is no drywall, just window basically. Does anyone know what type of curtain rod I wouuld need? I would preferably like to do a double rod.Thanks!!!!
Mount the curtain rods on the ceiling. You'll need to get the kind of rods you can do that mounting with, but they do make them ... and BE SURE that you have curtains that you can hang on 'rods' that stick out from the mountings so that you can hang them on 'both sides' so the curtains go from 'wall to wall' on either side.
My curtains were black witch I hate now! Besides any shade of purple, what other colors would match my grape purple walls?MY bedspread has some stains, no matter how many times I wash it it wont come out! I need some new bedspreads, but what design/color? Currently my bedspread is blue purple and green, I dont really like it anymore. Would something light brown would look nice? Whats your opinion? Thanks!
Depending on the shade of purple your walls are, there are many possibilities. I would suggest like a tan/cream color or pale yellow! However, if your walls are like royal purple, I wouldn't suggest yellow, but maybe a silver or sparkly bedspread and curtains. Hope this helps! (:
a peep under the curtain wall analysis!! HELPPPP?
My perception of this, as an American, is that the cartoon is somewhat lambasting Churchill, who coined the term iron curtain. It is implying that he's on the outside looking in, but the by order of Joe makes me think it's a stab at the US (known as G.I. Joe in the era). The Cold War was waged between the US and the USSR, Britain was largely left out of it. So even though Churchill was the first to identify the threat he was excluded from the ideological battle by the two greater powers, the US and the USSR.