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What brand of parasols is the best?
This depends on what you use, and if their own courtyard umbrella, suggest you buy foreign brands, and if you do mass goods, I can do for you, I do parasols.
I want to buy a parasol to go through the wind and rain, I do not know where the good point?
Sunshade xinningju well, they are the Olympic sunshade suppliers to supply the products of Tiananmen square
Method for assembling large outdoor sunshading umbrella
Parasols, also known as sun umbrellas, are used primarily to protect against direct sunlight.Buy sunshade umbrella should pay attention to whether there is a label that is resistant to this umbrellaUVThat is, the umbrella can really prevent itUltraviolet rays (usually umbrellas are not resistant to ultraviolet light). Of course, there are also sold on the market, both blocking the rain and resistance
How to choose outdoor umbrellas, outdoor umbrellas which good?
Two is the umbrella skeleton, the skeleton is divided into the wood, the plastic, the iron, the aluminum alloy; three is the base, the base has marble, the plastic water tank, the base, the cast aluminum, the injection molding, the cast iron and so on, hoped that can help to you
How can I cool down while working outdoors?
Chrysanthemum tea: Chrysanthemum tea can cool the brain; 10, cold water blunt wrist: every few hours with water for 5 seconds, because the wrist is the flow of the artery, so that can reduce blood temperature. - Summer -- diet book eat a little vinegar frequently drinking hot days of high temperatures, so many employees did not dare to go out in the holiday. In this regard, nutrition experts provide employees with some of the best recipes. Best seasoning: vinegar. Burning hot, sweating more, eat more vinegar, can help digestion and absorption, and promote appetite. At the same time, eating vinegar helps relieve fatigue and maintain energy. Best vegetable: bitters. The temperature is high and the humidity is high in summer. Eat bitter vegetables, be of great advantage, bitter gourd, lettuce, celery, lettuce is the summer jiapin.
How about a thousand umbrellas?
When the temperature is above 25 degrees, outdoor activities must be done with effective light avoidance. Especially in the morning of ten to two or three in the afternoon, this time the sun the strongest and most powerful ultraviolet, try not to go out; if you must go out, you should wear a hat, sunglasses or a supporting sunshade, it is best to wear long sleeved clothes cotton hemp.
Outdoor sports by the sun, how to protect the skin?
Eat more vegetables and fruits, which can absorb hair to nutrition. Then the scorching summer, in addition to sunshade, sunglasses and sunscreen, whether can nourish the skin, prevent sunburn of food, to help people blocking sun exposure? Yes。 Some of the most familiar fruits and vegetables are magically converted to sunscreen and are more durable than sunscreen because they are not washed off.
What are the dimensions of an outdoor parasol?
With the increase of people's marketing consciousness, the market now can be seen everywhere for the enterprise products or services to advertise and promote and create a good atmosphere advertising umbrella.