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What are the advantages of cement tile machine?
A machine multi-purpose, tile mode switch fast, fool-type operation, low power, CNC molding. Unique design, multi-functional hydraulic molding, user-friendly interface operation, advanced and reasonable layout, to fill the gaps in the domestic.
The processing method of the tile machine
The billet is soft. Filter cloth part of the paste was dead, the next model of the local filter hole blocked, clean up. System without pressure, pump reversal: wiring error, adjust the steering. Insufficient power: motor failure or low voltage, power supply or repair motor. Oil pump temperature is too high: oil viscosity is too low, the pump is damaged, the cooling is insufficient or interrupted.
What steps are required during the installation of the cement tile machine?
Board installation and commissioning: board and machine axis consistent with the plane of the plane and the plane on the plane in the same plane, and the vibration table to maintain a certain distance to ensure that the pallet smooth from the vibration table to the delivery Board machine chain, for the
Analysis on the Problems of Cement Shade Machine
construction process to meet the requirements. Discoloration of the substrate in the humidity is too high, water-soluble salt crystals in the surface weathering; substrate containing alkaline, infiltration of alkaline weak paint or paint film;