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What are the classification of natural gas
Natural gas can be divided into organic and inorganic sources;According to the hydrocarbon composition divided into: (dry and wet gas rich gas, hydrocarbon, drygas)
What is the use of natural gas
2, natural gas more affordable, high calorific value, price stability. Liquefied petroleum gas cheaper than about 30% to 50%, more than twice the price of gasoline, diesel. 3, high thermal efficiency of natural gas, under the same pressure, the combustion of natural gas in the same volume of most of the other fossil fuels to release a higher calorific value.
Now oil prices fell so badly, 93, 6, now burn gas also save moneyNatural gas is now more than 1 cubic meters of 6
According to calorific value:Natural gas 8500 kcal / cubic meterGasoline 10300 kcal / kg, after conversion of 7500 kcal / L.
Liquefied petroleum gas has been used in cooking, and now the natural gas pipeline into the house, do not know whether the use of stoves is the same?Is it the same as the stove
Not quite the same. The calorific value of liquefied petroleum gas is much higher than that of natural gas. After switching to natural gas, gas intake must be increased in order to ensure the fire cooker.
In addition to the wind, but also what conditions?When you wake up, inhaling gas will be uncomfortable?
(1) light: poisoning time is short, carbon and oxygen hemoglobin in blood is from 10% to 20%. As the early symptoms of poisoning, dizziness, headache, palpitation, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and even a brief swoon, the general was still awake, inhaling the fresh air from the toxic environment after the symptoms disappear quickly, generally no sequelae.(2) medium: poisoning time is slightly longer, the blood of carbon oxygen hemoglobin accounts for 30% ~ 40%, in the light of symptoms, can appear collapse or coma. The skin and mucous membranes are characteristic of a cherry red. Such as rescue in a timely manner, can quickly awake, within a few days to fully recover, generally no symptoms.(3): heavy found too late, too much gas inhalation, or inhalation of high concentrations of carbon monoxide in a short period of time, the concentration of blood carboxyhemoglobin often in more than 50% patients showed deep coma, various reflex, incontinence, cold limbs, blood pressure drops, shortness of breath, will soon die. In general, the longer the coma, the more serious the prognosis, often left dementia, memory and comprehension, limb paralysis and other sequelae.
Remember that before the gas, and now on the bottle of liquefied petroleum gas bottle, what is it?
Civilian gas is usually so few: gas, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas. Because the gas was first used in our country, the liquefied gas and natural gas which was later introduced are often called gas.
How to do mild coal
2, moderate poisoning: in addition to the above symptoms can appear, sweating, irritability, ataxia, pale skin, blurred consciousness, always feel sleepy, sleepy fatigue. If can be identified in time to take effective measures, the basic can be cured, rarely leave sequelae.3, severe poisoning: an unexpected situation, especially the poisoning caused by sleep at night, was found at the The sun is three poles high., has been unconscious, trismus, body spasm, incontinence, face, lips was cherry red, breathing fast pulse, body temperature may rise. Critically ill person. Persistent coma, weak pulse, irregular breathing, blood pressure drops, also can appear in a temperature of 40 DEG C. At this time have the honor not to die, will also leave serious sequelae, such as dementia, paralysis, loss of work, living ability.
What are the hazards of adding two methyl ether to gas?
In fact, two is a clean energy, it can be used as fuel