Recycled Insulation

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Why should the city's natural gas?
For easy to be discovered, and then eliminate the leakage, the need for no smell of natural gas smell.
Why don't you turn on the lights and call the gas leak
Because the lights and telephones are likely to produce a spark of electricity in the moment, the spark is very small, usually we can not pay attention to, and even can not see
The kitchen at home, where the gas is put. Can only be put into use.I don't know. OK? Is it dangerous?
I learned to fire, very dangerous, can not use hot water on the gas tank, can not be placed sideways, to put it, no gas can't shake it! All very dangerous.Tell a true story, a family of three, the man went out to buy things, his wife at home cooking, she did not see any gas, shaking the gas tank, and then use hot water to help raise the pressure tank! The kid was right there, and the gas tank exploded! When the man came back, his wife burst into the living room from the kitchen! This is the real thing, after I learned, I immediately told the people around me! I hope it won't happen again!
Do you have anything to do with gas?
At present, we use the gas, in fact, basically liquefied petroleum gas.While the liquefied petroleum gas is alkane gas produced in the oil refining process, its complex composition, in addition, in order to let the gas combustion is good, burning fully, as well as the waste water after use remaining in the tank as little as possible
How to do mild coal
2, moderate poisoning: in addition to the above symptoms can appear, sweating, irritability, ataxia, pale skin, blurred consciousness, always feel sleepy, sleepy fatigue. If can be identified in time to take effective measures, the basic can be cured, rarely leave sequelae.3, severe poisoning: an unexpected situation, especially the poisoning caused by sleep at night, was found at the The sun is three poles high., has been unconscious, trismus, body spasm, incontinence, face, lips was cherry red, breathing fast pulse, body temperature may rise. Critically ill person. Persistent coma, weak pulse, irregular breathing, blood pressure drops, also can appear in a temperature of 40 DEG C. At this time have the honor not to die, will also leave serious sequelae, such as dementia, paralysis, loss of work, living ability.
How many cubic metres of gas is a ton of coal
A ton of coal = one thousand kg of standard coal per kg of complete combustion of the release of the heat of kcal / ton of coal heat =1000 by 7000 kcal =700 kcal
How much is a cubic gas? Thanks for
The quality of natural gas = natural gas volume x density, so the quality of a cubic meter of natural gas =1x0.7174=0.7174kg.Material weight = mass xg=0.7174x9.8=7.03052 cow
What are the natural gas charges paid by the unit,
Specific depends on the use of the Department to determine the natural gas is not only cooking heating... If it is for production services, can be included in the "manufacturing costs" accountingHope to help you!