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What kind of wallpaper is the bedroom?
In addition, you can also use color to produce different psychological and physiological feelings to decorate the design, through the color configuration to create a comfortable bedroom environment
Is there a crack on the wall
2, the wall surface of the insulation board to remove, or remove the cement wall, in the insulation layer outside the first install a layer of gypsum board or "five PCT board", and then in the above and then posted wallpaper. This approach can be removed all the irregular cracks, cracks are generally the place between the joints of the plate, better handling. But this approach is higher cost, construction difficult.
Have a good wall of the market?
Building materials industry has been the best direction for entrepreneurship, the national data research, China's annual CCB total sales has more than 12.3 trillion yuan
We feel easy to cloth wall like how
In the conference room, the family living room, the hotel box or the hotel bedroom, usually in use after a period of time, how much will be a little smell, easy cloth wall clothing with a certain smell, while in a clear and ventilated time, but also the smell of volatile.
Does the wall suit contain formaldehyde?
Wall coat relative to the wallpaper, the possibility of containing formaldehyde is small, but after all, is the paint, if the small workshop and the like for the cost may also contain formaldehyde,
Is the living room covered with a wall or a good wall?
and children's room recommended the best choice for environmental performance of the best paper wallpaper and non-woven fiber wallpaper;
Cafe wall decoration
?? The second, more romantic, and young people's cafes are more memorable. The color is more romantic and romantic, there is a theme wall, similar to the love wall of the Northern love, but better to save the writing, some small deck of the wall is affixed to the overall murals ... (find some beautiful romantic pictures, similar to non-mainstream The bar). Make it more delicious
Why is the physical shop wall more expensive than the Internet
Online, then, after all, do not see the kind, so still have to rely on their own choice, there are good and bad, how do you see this