Bake Bread On Aluminum Foil

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Our end unit 1940"s row house has an old leaking bitumen roof . The water entry point can not be found so a replacement seems the way to go. A roofer suggested a replacement using Firestone 180, 1/2 inch fiberboard insulation covered with fiberglass base sheet, bitumen for flashing and fibered aluminum coating on wall coping . It's all Greek to be but fiberboard insulation and flashing material ? Should I be concerned?
We use kingspan insulation, marine grade plyboard , 3/4 inch, and yes you can use bitumen as flashing. I hope i am not being condescending, but the flashing is the bit that goes from the roof and a little way up the wall and is then "pointed" into the bricks, thus forming a water-proof barrier.
on a traditional pitched roof construction,where is heat insulation usually provided?
On the ceiling.Paper side down to help protect against moister.
Help please, this home had a water pipe from meter brake in the basement as it was unoccupied/empty, the owner/builder replaced all the drywall, insulation, flooring, carpet, tile, roof, windows, hot water tank, furnace, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, new paint on all, basement ceiling was spray painted black (to hide something or to seal it?). the neighbor says the home was gutted and mold tested three times, its completely redone basically a new home inside, feedback please, it "looks" great
Hi there. I suggest that you require a home inspection, a mold test and termiite treatment before buying the house. If it was tested, the seller should be able to provide the results. Anytime that there is severe water damage, mold and termite issues usually follow. It is better to be sure that everything is okay before you buy the house.
I have a split house with an attic where I have insulation on attic floor, but the house seems to be cold still, Can I add insulation to the roof of the attic? If so, any options? Thank you.
No, you want the air to circulate from the soffit vent to the ridge vent or gable vents, whichever you may have. This will prevent mold and condensation.
what action should a plumber take?????
struggling to understand your question! are you talking about a storage tank? what is the problem with the insulation? if it is in the way move it but insulation under a tank is not a problem the tank will need to be insulated any way!
I have a vented metal roof. WV winters
Check into heat tape tied to pipe, with insulation wrapped around that. turns on when freezing temperatures. insulation by itself, will not stop it from freezing if left for long periods without water moving through it. .
weather stripping/ foam strip?
I'm assuming your talking about a ridge cap normally you would seal it in with tar or polyurethane caulk and put your shingles over it
What are the roof insulation materials?
Is made from volatile polystyrene beads containing volatile liquid foaming agent, and a white solid having a fine closed-cell structure which is thermoformed in a mold after being preheated by heating