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the cable that comes out of the ocean and goes onto the island. Sayid finds it
The underwater Dhrama Looking Glass station. Remember from the season finale of season 3 I believe, it's where Desmond and Charlie swam to to press the button thing to allow communication with the outside world, but those two women were there and then Mikhail showed up and Charlie ended up drowning after Mikhail threw a grenade at the control room Charlie was in, but before Charlie drowned he managed to tell Desmond that the freighter was not Penny's boat.... ringing a bell? The cable was to provide power to it.
How to distinguish between power cables and electrical wiring on drawings
Put a piece of paper in the dog's urine, whenever the dog to think about urine when the dog's nose smell, put the paper in the designated place, more training a few dogs will be.
I'm just amazed at how little people know about everyday things. The phone company actually runs their phones on BATTERIES... so when the power goes out, the batteries keep the phones alive... it has been done this way for OVER 100 YEARS... so it's nothing new.
When I plug and unplug a power cable to the net in my home for let's say, 50.000 times a day, why doesn't my electricity-meter not count that power for the monthly electricity fee?When I unplug the cable the cable should still have some electricity flowing through it at the moment of unplugging. That electricity disappears very shortly after . But after unplugging it, it doesn't have any electricity anymore. So some electricity is lost right? How does this work?
Basically, the appliance works on the current flowing into it. When you unplug the cable (or hit the OFF switch, same thing) the current stops flowing, then the appliance then stops working. Very simple. .
Have a 480 volts 3 phase 16 amp motor. Need 400 ft of extention cord. Is is OK to use a SOOW 10/4 cable, the voltage drop is 2.67%(12 volts). Machine is powerd by a generator that I can run at 500 volts to counter the voltage drop.8/4 cable cost twice as much, but the voltage drop is 1.7%(8 volts).
If you have the ability to increase the voltage to compensate for the volt drop and the cable has sufficient current carrying capacity, then you are fine. The volt drop will cause a little wasted power but nothing compared to cable costs probably. Presumably your boosted voltage generator wont be powering anything else or that will give you problems Edit, Cables are rated in rms voltage
How do I get it not to do that? Its really annoying. Whenever I remove the charger cable , the screen gets really dark. It seems like an actual function and not a defect, but is their a way to toggle it on and off?
Thats how its made. Laptops dim screens to save battery power. To override the setting, look for a picture of the Sun on the middle-top of your keyboard. Sometimes its Blue. Once you find it, look at the bottom left of your keyboard for a FN (function) button. While holding the FN button, tap a few times at the sun button. Your screen should now be bright ;) Make sure you do this with the power unplugged, enjoy.
I had gave my amp a 16 volt input, then there was a spark which came from fuses that got burnt. I then replaced the fuses, rewired it nd gave it a 12 volt input it came on and went on protection. So i left it aside and after a few days i tryd connecting it again but this time it came on and it was burning the power cables no matter what guage wire i used. Any idea why its doing that?
Look for a short circuit in the input power circuitry.
And can u please explain in detail how u get xbox live i dont want any free survey things just like do i have to buy a card how much it is do i need extra cables? ok thx!
for the original xbox thats right, OK first step: 1: get an ethernet cable 2: get a DSL modem 3: Hook up modem to wall 4: hook ethernet cable to back of xbox 5: go to the dashboard thingy,(dont know what it is on original) 6: go to xbox live and purchase it.