Aluminum Foil 18 Inch

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I need to call around and find a contractor to repair my roof. I thought it might be a good idea to at least have the name of this type of roofing correct so I don't sound like too much of a mark. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Most typically, it's a sprayed polyurethane foam system. Simple repairs can be made with a sealant, unless you need a section replaced.
I'd like to put a train set in my loft / attic, so to avoid it being cold in there during the winter I'm considering having no insulation in the floor of it where one usually would, thus allowing the heat to rise into the loft. Then, insulate the roof between the rafters instead. Is this just as good at keeping the heating costs down?
That's a far more complicated change than you realize. * The added area exposed to exterior conditions will increase your home's total heat loss with the same insulation values. * When that roof was installed, there was some form of venting sceme installed as well. If it was based on an insulated attic floor, it might need to be changed for an insulated roof. Get some advice from a 'pro', before you do anything.
im thinking of putting rolled felt paper under my metal roofing would that work instead of the reflective insulation instead?
Be careful what you do under your metal roof. We installed foam spray on insulation under ours and now the inspector is saying it's not "to code" and we lost the buyer for our house because of it. Call a metal roof company - they may give you some free advice.
I have a vented metal roof. WV winters
Check into heat tape tied to pipe, with insulation wrapped around that. turns on when freezing temperatures. insulation by itself, will not stop it from freezing if left for long periods without water moving through it. .
Foam and the new building technolodgy's are coming to New Orleans. The rebuilding is causing New Orleans to be the "Greenest City in America". Energy Efficiency and the proper buiilding techniques tak hold.
And the question is??
were can i buy material to insulate pans and instructions to install it? I have seen many roofs with this done ,but , the lowe,s and home depots don't have .
I think your problem is in the way you are asking the question. I for one do not know what you mean by a metal pan roof. I know all about steel roofs or corrugated roofs and a lot of other roofs but what is a metal pan?
A roofer who wants to put a new roof on my mobile home says it will dry out. (We live in the rainiest part of the US)
It shouldn't need replacement unless it is damaged someway.Like mold,dry rot or UV Damage.He should be willing to explain why and show you the condition of the roof before and after he works on it.
attic is 400 sq ft.there are 4 round 6'' Vents in soffit,and 2 roof vents-12"x12".Rock wool,blown in,R/30 NO VAPOR BARRIER.Why the mold?no gable or ridge vent either.How do i fix this?There are baffles in attic,rafters are not blocked.
Are your bathroom exhaust fans blowing straight into the attic, maybe? Or your dryer vent?