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willow fence
made of natural osier with fine craft
artistic,durable and easy to erect
for home&garden deco to make privacy
Product Description:
Willow fences and screens are made from vertical willow sticks tightly
woven together with galvanized steel wire. Willow fencing and screening
are suitable for an informal garden.Rapidly renewable natural bentwood
material like willow make wonderful fences for outdoor and indoor decoration,
our exclusive pre-build fences panels are designed to beautify your home garden
as well as practical well build fences with easy set up. Different styles and sizes
to suite your needs.
- Q: Where eXaCtly waS the garden of Eden located?
- Why is this in the Home Gardening section? Nevermind.. Lebanon. That's what Ezekiel 31 appears to imply, at least.
- Q: I'm getting a garden ready for spring here in January.The soil is kind of compact and clay like. I have a bunch of leaves sitting on top of it now.I plan to till all the leaves into the soil, and till the soil to break it all up.Thinking about adding some dried manure that I can pick up from the lowes.Also, saw some stuff called clay breaker which is gypsum.Will it be a good idea to add perlite too?
- Good okorder /
- Q: Does anyone know how to make home made bricks???
- Use Quickcrete.
- Q: After reading Scocasso !'s comment, I'm really inspired to get a edible garden on my own. My parents used to have a small edible homegrown garden when we were growing up and I remember it was really enjoyable to grow you own food.So does anyone know any good online or catalogue source where I can buy seeds for vegetable and fruits? Or perhaps any tip on finding a local garden supplier?Thanks a lot.
- You can buy vegetable seeds at most grocery stores, hardware or home improvement stores, or a local flower/garden shop. Fruit usually grows on trees and depending on where you live a fruit tree may not survive all year. If you live in a good climate for that you should be able to find plantable trees at a greenhouse or garden shop. Otherwise strawberries and raspberries will grow almost anywhere and they come back every year.
- Q: My 9 year old girl wants a garden. We live in MN and want a garden that produces things fairly fast. Any suggestions?
- Why don't you try hanging baskets. I found some tomato plants that already had produce. Mint plants grow fast. Onions are easy.
- Q: Is gardening becoming more popular or less?
- More, I think, I see more places selling plants for gardens and more catalogs too.
- Q: In the Better Homes and Gardens magazine there was a recipe for butterscotch almond bars. It required a cake mix. i was wondering if we just add the cake mix, or follow the directions on the cake mix box as well.
- I have not seen the Better Homes article, but from experience with recipes that use cake mix is that you just add the cake mix and disregard the box instructions. The reason some recipes will let you use cake mix is just because all the dry ingredients are already measured and mixed to save you time. Just add wet ingredients, pop in oven and voila! I believe this is true for your situation because your trying to make butterscotch almond bars, not cake with butterscotch and almond on it, so you don't need to follow any cake directions, you just need the goodies already mixed.
- Q: Do you think it would be a good software to use? Its called Better Homes and Gardens Home Designer
- Absolutly...I have it and works great! good luck
- Q: does anyone know how to get home depot coupons for either 10 or 20 precent. Instead of buying them on OKorder???
- Go to your post office and ask for the address forwarding packet. They're always in there!
- Q: cheapest, yet reliable and dependable,,,,,about one acre garden
- Cheap and water softening do not go together. Also, using softened water on your garden will kill it, too much salt.
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