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I'm planning to become a real estate agent after high school, and I'm considering moving to San Diego. I know home prices are very expensive there, and that's bad for buyers, but what does it mean for agents? Does it slow the market down? Any insight you have from this perspective would be great! Thanks!
It all depends on the economy. I purchased my run of the mill 4 bedroom 2 bath home in San Diego for $450,000 six years ago and felt lucky to get it. Today I would be lucky to get $300,000 for the same house. The story is the same all over the U.S., with many people losing homes to foreclosure. I am not a real estate agent, but a neighbor is. Things have definitely slowed down as credit gets tighter (it is tough to get a loan these days) and commissions are not as high since prices are down. Real estate is very cyclical- when it's good, it's good. When it's not, it's not. These days things are not so good, but the market will come back eventually. Real estate agents are currently competing for a very limited number of qualified buyers. You might have to wait a while between sales, which may be tough to do in a high cost area like San Diego.
I would like to invest in the real estate market of USA. I need a reliable entity to advice me on the type of investment, the amount to invest, and where to invest? can anyone help me with a list of organizations like Century 21 for such a service. Appreciate your help.
There is no -all inclusive- real estate market in the US. The US is a huge country. Even within a city there are several markets. Before you decide on a real estate brokerage to call you will need to decide on what part of the US you want to invest in, and what type of property you want to buy. If I were going to live in Phoenix for 10 years then buying a house now while I live there would be a no brainer. If I were going to own an apartment building in Vegas for 10 years then I would think that would be a good investment. Either one of those for only a year or two would be scary.
Do you own an investment company? How is it set up (llc, ect. please explain it)? Are the houses n your name or company name? Are you an agent, independent agent, or broker? What kind of education do u recommend? Do you suggest any books or courses especially for teens? I like real estate and would love to be a "professional flipper" (investor) and work for myself. Thanks!
Hello there. I have been a real estate investor for about 20 years now. I own my own incorporation. I purchase foreclosure properties, especially now a days they are really cheap. When I am interested in a property, I do some very heavy bargaining for the best possible price. When purchasing a property, I use my company name and use company money to purchase properties. I basically purchase the properties and I have professional agents who work for me to sell the house. If you are interested, you can take a real estate course from a local community college which takes about 6 months to one year to complete. I have four office locations throughout Chicagoland where people can find available properties and meet with agents.
1. If the Plano City Council enacts a law detailing the standard by which new homes must be constructed in Plano this would be an example of one of the seven sources of real estate law? True or FalsePlease explainThanksBob
Se vende por due?o, yes it is used in Spanish and it means that the owner is the seller no real state agent
Just curious how real estate people are making ends meet. The "easy" money of listing and selling and taking people's equity has put a temporary freeze on your earnings. Just was curious as to what other means you all have at this time?
Unfortunately real estate agents and REALTORS are making more money than ever selling the houses of people who were taken advantage of during the last few years and now must sell their houses becausethey cannot make their mortgage payments when the interest rate adjusts upward. This is a tragedy because the bulk of them did not represent their clients interests properly. That is the reason that we are in the credit crisis that we are in with the record number of foreclosures. The REALTORS and real estate agents did not do their jobs. They did not represent their clients interests. Now they are profiting from their client's tragedies and loss of their client's homes. I recommend that in any real eestate transaction that you hire an atorney who specializes in real estate law to represent your interests even if there is also a REALTOR or real estate agent involved. Also hire your own real estate appraiser to protect your interests. This should be a real estate appraiser who is not representing the lender's interest. Your interest is very different from that of the lender.
I'm looking to get in the field of real estate appraisal school,but can't afford the fees .I have 4 children and trying to better their lives.can anyone tell me what would be a good school or a service that would help me.
Um...well, considering the market in real estate lately, I would not recommend it at all. If you want something stable, do not go into real estate. However, the courses are inexpensive. I know of one community college in Ohio that does provide financial aid. The courses are short, too. You can get the courses done in a matter of months. If you live in Ohio, contact me and I will tell you the info. However, the chances of you living in Ohio close to the community college where I live is slim to none. I would suggest looking into community colleges near you. Again, if you are looking to improve the lives of your children. Do not go into real estate. There are other alternatives, but they may take longer than a few months. The pain, I believe, is worth the gain. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
Real estate agent
There are many different independent countries and protectorates with different home countries in the Caribbean. What this means is you need to specifically narrow down which country/island you are interested in because each will have different rules and regulations with regards to who can work on the island and for how long. For instance, in Grand Cayman, there are some very strict work rules for non-citizens. You should check with the consulate of the island nation you are interested in working at, and then proceed to research the specifics of become a real estate agent on that particulary island.
Real estate has always been a dream of mines. I know its challenging but challenges build character. It seems fun and it has always been an interest. now this is a multiple questionwhat do you guys see in real estate in CTdo i need my license to flip housesdo i need my license to start a company like CT homes LLCalso when i go for my license who should i go with century 21 school, or through a college?
Can't help you with schools on the east coast but can give you a bit of advice. Getting licensed is only your beginning. Be sure to go to work for a big company like Coldwell-Banker. Their hands on training is priceless. Get into a company that has a lot of agents who tour each week by bus. You learn more from the other agents, hearing them talk real estate than you will in your licensing course. Be sure you have a way to support yourself for a couple of years while you build your business. I'm retired now but loved helping people find their dream home and every home, no matter how modest, is someone's dream home. It might not be your idea of a dream but it is a step up for someone. From what I'm hearing this is not a great time to be in real estate so you might want to wait unless you are independently wealthy. I just heard that 90% of new listings in the NE are people selling because they are in default on their loans and that there is no money for financing so very hard to get a loan unless the buyer has the very highest credit rating and collateral. Tough times ahead for the industry like we had in the 80's with 18% interest on mortgage loans but we lived through it. Ate a lot of hamburger but made it intact. Good Luck and God Bless